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The best MMORPG?

ooskullooooskulloo Member Posts: 7
I fell in love with this's graphics,music,play system,and all have made an impact on my HUGE experience in MMORPGs...I'ma veteran of many games...from the original Runescape....up to the latest games like Silk Road,Hero Online,World Of Warcraft,Guild Wars,KAL online,EU Demons,MU online,etc.

But so far This game seems the best to me.......I want to hear other opinions too............

Death is creeping up behind you so don't look back.


  • kaisergeistkaisergeist Member Posts: 1

    well.. well well¬¬ i don kno about this game, i think of a mmorpg that gives you great time experiencing new worlds, playing sistems an locations, this is what turf battles is about, some new features added like the pet system or the skill trees(not so new, but good), and the grafics are not thaaaat good, what comes to you like  meteor of the collor mages is that after 2 weeks playing this game seriuosly, you reach an umpleasant  question, what should i do now? the answer id nothing¬¬ no more places to go... no more items to catch... no more things to do...well then or u become a pet raiser or become a acc seller¬¬


    Well resuming... a good game for 2 weeks, then enter the darkness of those who looks for new mmorpgs like crazy


    Like the above, this is my opinion...

    Good game for those that still playing, and good luck for those who start!


    PS.: one point that i found incredible is that this is the perfect game for those who are starting the dammed life in the mmorpg^^ really good for those who seek training!



  • avian678avian678 Member Posts: 6
    i dont really mnow much about the game but from what ive seen it should be really fun
  • AceMouaAceMoua Member Posts: 3
    I Agree with oOskullOo, This game is quite addicting, compared to all the other games, This game has one of the best pvp systems, as well is one of the top quality community (From my point of view). It's similar to silk road, yet has the party systems of many other games. It's fun is everlasting, depending on what you wanna do. Right when you start the game, it's just like any other leveling game, but if you're with a party, the role playing bases a totally different role from all the other games.

    I Suggest this game be played, or just at least, Tried.

  • drpepperhahadrpepperhaha Member Posts: 11
    this game is good but tis kidna dead now
  • K.u.r.oK.u.r.o Member Posts: 3

    Well, I wouldn't say it's the best, but it has... er... had... potential. It did. Now, it seems as if Turf Battles has hired a committee to decide, "I wonder what would make more people quit this time. Let's destroy this game some more, shall we? After all, you don't pay a monthly fee, we don't give a crap." I've been playing that game for one hell of a long time. I'm level 222, yet after so long, there are level 300s who could get there in the same week. Why? Well, because there is ONE, AND ONLY ONE, dominant tribe. You have to have their permission to freaking sneeze in that game; they own everything. At 201 and above, you are basically at Blood's mercy. (The tribe's name is Blood. Tribes are guilds.) Not only are they in rule of basically everything, but most are extremely rude if you aren't their closest friend. In a lot of cases, they're still rude to their closest friends. They're also snooty, and won't even speak with you unless you're over level 250, which they make impossible to achieve. I've quit this game many times because of them.


    I'd also like to note that the story makes absolutely no sense at all, thus giving boring gameplay after your first few island invasions (which apparently occur for no apparent reason, only because "Turf Battles are inevitable" because of a disease. I see where that came from. Dragonfly mutation + disease spreads + it's gone = kill everybody for no apparent reason and claim lands for resources. VERY INEVITABLE BATTLES WE HOLD.)


    Which brings me to my next point: VERY poor placing of PK zones (where PvP is enabled.). For example, Rock Island, the level spot (yes, level spot. They have specific SPOTS now. It gets tedious.) for level 160-200 is a PK zone, and I've never understood why. There is absolutely nothing to fight over on that island. It is small, and only contains monsters for leveling. No gems, no resources, no nothing. Just a level spot. So, where did TURF Battles come from? It is becomming FIGHT FOR NO REASON AT ALL Battles. You can also kill members of your own nation in the Frozenland War, which is COMPLETELY stupid. Why that is even enabled in the first place, I don't know. I have no idea. GMs said they'd fix it at the end of October. January, we're still waiting. They don't do a damn thing.


    The community sucks, and despite being a fairly easy game, it is not easy at all, unless you get power leveled up the butt until level 100 or so. Jakar, the NPC for leveling montage, which is like increasing your crafting skills, is no longer there. So, everybody is now having to resort to using real money to buy good weapons and armors, or wasting their lives for EVER trying to get it with Leni (the currency in the game).


    If by some miracle you make it big and get Master Transformation skills for whatever class you may be, well, good for you, but they're not going to do anything. The gems are ridiculously hard to get nowadays, and go for at LEAST nine million Leni PER gem. Also, the Hau Island turf, which was for all levels, usually where 201 and above went, was removed, thus leaving the higher level community with nothing to do but fork over their PKs to Blood in Ghost Castle or Frozenland. Speaking of PKs, there was a remarkable system of ranking amongst players. It is now stupid, and many call the PK points Pointless Krap points. It is fairly easy to achieve a high rank by making new characters and opening two clients to kill your own character, 12 points at a time.


    But enough about high levels, right? Let's focus on the general newbies. Well, I'd like to say, have fun invading turfs. Even amonst "newbies", you're still going to die. Why? Because almost every single person to play this game has a specific character for every single turf. (Though, I don't blame them for making Kando Island and Duan Island characters, since Hau is gone -CoughFORNOREASONcough.- Sephiroth Choice Gems, which now sell for 4 million Leni-6 million Leni A PIECE, can only be found on Kando, Duan, and the old Hau.) The PK system is no longer based on skill, rather who can destroy enough Rock Island parties, or who can shoot down unsuspecting newbies.


    So, let's say you make it big. Level 300 at last. So, what now? ...That, my friends, is exactly what the "story" leaves out. Exactly what taking Hau island away takes out. Exactly what killing your own allies takes out. What now? Nothing. The journey is over, not that it was so hard to get to level 300 if you're befriended with Blood. (NOT easy, I assure you. They hate everybody.)


    In conclusion, this game used to be much better, but due to lack of GM input (I mean like BAD. They do NOTHING, AT ALL, EVER!), stupid suggestions, and their "OH, NO! THE PLAYERS ARE MAD THAT WE NEVER UPDATE! MAKE SOMETHING UP! QUICK!" attitudes when fed up, it is not what it could have been. The system, while auto attack, is nice. You can attack while jumping, and it allows for fast pace PvP or PvE. There are a lot of factors that could have been, but sadly are not. Classes power varies from UBER OWN to WE SUCK REALLY BAD with crappy explainations for which is which. (Sadly, I have the WE SUCK REALLY BAD class because of complaints "BLADE WARRIORS ARE TOO HARD TO KILL! NYA NYA!" Well, seeing as their attack is in the dumps, SHOULDN'T they have decent defense? That is what the community relies on, killing their opponent in one shot, no exciting fights. Again another factor that could have been, but is not.)


    This COULD change if some of the GMs would get up off their asses and take charge of something, balance things out, y'know... stop collecting our money for no reason? Unfortunately, I don't see it happening soon. If you, however, like PvP for no apparent reason, go at it, this is a game for you. Absolutely nothing to do but level, find items, repeat, for the rest of eternity.

  • 8299482994 Member Posts: 99
    no no no you got it all wrong GMs wont have to get off their asses they must get ON their asses nad get on their computers
  • K.u.r.oK.u.r.o Member Posts: 3
    Haha, I guess you're right. o.o Still, nothing's changed since then. Level 223 after forever and a day. Woohoo! ...I quit that game. xD I play Knight Online now. There's actually stuff to do. Wow, Turf Battles, you may want to think of that. SOMETHING TO DO.
  • sladexplsladexpl Member Posts: 5
    i have been playing for a month or to and im lvl 140

     its a good game
  • CheValimCheValim Member Posts: 7

    For PvE, i say EQ2

    For PvP, easily DAoC ( not sure now, i quit after the Artifacts )

    For pure Hardcore gaming and hardcore PvP ( i.e, you loose, you loose everything) deffo EVE, it's a buzz, or was, to play so hardcore. I got bored though



  • ooskullooooskulloo Member Posts: 7

    Well i did say that Turf Battles is the best, but i think that i jumped to a conclusion too fast, after playing it for a while it got boring now because the servers are all dead with no updates. Also this game heavily requires people to help you in parties, which are now very hard to find to level up, i don't know but now I've been playing ArchLord, Last Chaos, and 2moons, they are amazing games and deffinately if you get bored of the game Turf Battles try them out. XD

    Death is creeping up behind you so don't look back.

  • xRaz0rxRaz0r Member Posts: 7

    ArchLord IS fun, I play it too.

    Last Chaos was just a bastard to me. T_T The music would be all like, rawr. And mess up. >_> And it would be very distracting.

    2moons looks good. People talk about it all the time on Turf Battles.

    And, don't worry about jumping to conclusions. I did the same thing. And I quit like... a year ago. >_> Nothing has changed since even THEN. No updates at all. Same bugs are sitting there. Think of how WE feel. T_T No updates for that long. Rawr.

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