I've been looking around and I am somewhat interested in Roma Victor. One problem is there no free trial (as of now) and it costs about 39 USD to register forever. I am also aware that many pre-ordered the game before release and now hate it with a vengeance. All I am asking is that if anyone has a registered account they don't want would they please let me borrow it so I can try the game without wasting 39 USD. Thanks in advance.
P.s. either pm me on this account or I can give you my e-mail
thanks again.
Buying this game is not wasting 39 dollars, it is supporting an independent developer with a great vision with 39 dollars. There's a huge difference.
I myself just started playing again, currently I'm enjoying my first hunting trip, been hunting for a day now and allready slewn 3 wolves and probably found the tracks of at least 12.
Otherwise, I'm just putting money down on a game that I already know many people don't like, in order to support a producer who's making something that I've never even seen, that may eventually become something I'm interested in, or it may be going in a direction that I have no interest in, and I have no way of knowing.
I mean, before I'm willing to become an inverstor, the producer has to sell me on something, show me something. That's how it works.
If you have a friend that's also interested you could perhaps share a first account, until you decide to buy your own.
Hope you'll be able to decide soon, otherwise RV will be waiting until the free trial in the future.
That's a good point. With no monthly fee, what is $39 really for lifetime play, when we pay $15 per month to play other MMOs? In one year, I pay $180 to play most MMOs.
Yes, RedBedlam is a small development team with more than a fair share of issues to tackle and game coding to be done, but when it comes right down to it, it only costs $39 to play. That's a fair compromise for the slow development. If the company was not an independent, RV would not even exist; at least not with the realism that we appreciate now.
A while ago I paid $200 for a lifetime LoTRO account, a game which is complete and polished. I would say that is a fair price too in comparison.
The only way an excellent game design like Roma Victor could be made is exactly how it is being made, by an independent development team and with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.
I have to agree that a company has to provide something to a consumer to convince them to follow their "vision". After the flop that was and is Vanguard, I'm never falling for the concept of a "vision" again.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
I've been with the game since gamma...it is still in beta condition...save your money until it deserves it. You will not get ANY ingame support, just lip service. They'll roll back the game a week because they messed up their database, but wont roll back a day when exploiters and hackers delete the character of someone who has laboured long and hard with this POS.
Most the fanbois here dont even play anymore. They're all holding on to the hope of the "potential" this game has. But that potential will NEVER be reached, because the small developement team cant handle the load. They'd rather make excuses than progress. There is almost zero communication between the Devs and community. The guy they have that talks to the community ususally knows as little as the community does and KFR the lead dev, refuses to pass along any info, but manages to make little sniping remarks. There is a reason they hide their players forums from the public.
There is still constant crashes from .exe, c++, and now "sector not locked" errors. Crossing zones or boards is NOT seamless, you usually rubberband or lose connection altogether. No combat can really happen worth the effort to participate in it...the tracking is so bad. They keep saying they've made "optimizations" to the code to help lag and all, but no real progress is seen, maybe for a short time, then back to same o same o.
If you do decide to buy it...you've been warned. But at least you should be able to set it aside and come back to it later, if it last's long enough. And as far as not putting anymore money into the game? well, their business model revolves around you buying sesterces from the VERM to pay them. And remember the old addage..."You get what you pay for" will ring true here too. A one time payment of $40 will get you a diversion from your daily routine for a short while..but then.........well you get the picture.
Current games playing: MechWarrior Online
Games being watched: Project Genom
Favorite played games: SWG, RomaVictor, and Xsyon
well i have to agree that $40 is a small price for a lifetime membership.
Fact that despite reading around you stil have intrest in the game shows you really want to play it so why not toss $40 for a lifetime play!
Totally agree its like its in beta.
I agree here again, dont go looking for INGAME support. Everything is done with support tickets out of game and its very slow.
If you read the forums which it sounds like you do, you will find out they are working on fixing that deleted account without a roll back. I dont know any game that would roll back a game for 1 account that was deleted, I really hope no game does either. Thats just bad for everyone.
The database being lost and having to roll back is common with many games, WOW, DAOC, Shadowbane, SilkRoad Online. Thats just to name a few, Im sure there are others. The loss of the data wasnt RB's fault so much as the fault of the hosting server they had used had a problem. (Granted its still RB's fault for using them but they are highly rated).
Haha so true.
I agree and this is a major problem with KFR not telling us, BUT the game does still have a lot of potential and thats IS the reason I stay. Im looking to play this game for a long long time because it has everything. Sure its not fully in yet, or working 100% but all they have to do is get over this hump and BAM they have a solid game with everything people want in it.
C++ and .exe crashes have been fixed, but now you are right they have the "sector not locked" issue.
Its almost seamless, 1 second delay on crossing boards is pretty seamless to me. I dont rubberband or lose connection so dont know where you getting that issue from.
Thats a bold lie. Combat is fine other then 1 board. Only in 1 board is there issues with lag and tracking. If you fight off that boad its great. Just to give you an idea of what a board is, the world of RB has 300 boards. 30x30 boards.
[quote]Originally posted by blutigfaust
If you do decide to buy it...you've been warned. But at least you should be able to set it aside and come back to it later, if it last's long enough. And as far as not putting anymore money into the game? well, their business model revolves around you buying sesterces from the VERM to pay them. And remember the old addage..."You get what you pay for" will ring true here too. A one time payment of $40 will get you a diversion from your daily routine for a short while..but then.........well you get the picture.
Yes please only buy knowing what you are getting into.
You are getting into a game thats not backed by a big company like SOE or Blizzard, which has its good points and bad points.
Good points is, there is no pressure from them to force issues of getting the most people to play the game, no forcing ways to do things or ads in game.
Bad points are things like slow content updates, slow to fix bugs, and slow to respond to issues of support.
When you play this game there is the factor of money in game, you can like me get by totally without spending a dime after you buy the game. (I did end up verming this week to support RB more).
Doing so will take more time and doing more tasks of grinding and selling to players. Which is what some people like to do.
While others dont want to spend this extra time crafting or doing tasks so they will spend real life money to get the items they need in game to keep playing as they wish to play.
So dont expect it to be super easy if you dont want to put in money after you buy the game, but also dont expect it to be that hard either. I would say that, if you get used to the fact you can spend about 10$ per month for in game money your gaming time will be increased greatly. If you dont worry about buying an item here or there.
So many people come into the game thinking "oh its free to play" well it is but you will have to work hard to keep it "free". Its better IMO to spend a little on verm now and then to keep you from doing all the super boring tasks.
I hope that helps anyone looking into RV.
ironically, I think he has a fair point, even vanguard with all its problems is much like RV, but less buggy, and runs on a low end machine, you can't exactly say RV does... read the bloody post, then slander him about how SOE sucks....
200 bucks for a lifetime LOTRO membership eh ? Man, game companies luuuuv people like you.
something is very wrong with that post, your price being an order of magnitude more than the actual price...
and considering LOTRO's $15/month subscription you would get 13.3 months out of that and that's not counting the game price to start with...
that's (200-50)/15= 10 months.
so yeah, a lifetime membership for LOTRO for 200 bucks would be a fair price, of course if you weren't going to play it I'd still suggest the normal method of payment.... maaan games companies luuuuve people like you too stupid to figure out the maths....
now IF RV had a monthly subscription of $15 and cost me 50 bucks to buy in the first place, I wouldn't be playing...
it cost me less than $40 and I've been playing for god knows how long....
I love this!
This is the way you should play a game! Each wolf you track, hunt down and slay should be an achievement. Not the formulaic grind quests of WoW/Lotro etc (which I played myself ) "Kill 10 wolves over there in 6 minutes to get X xp".
I hope this game evolves and improves and I will be back for sure!
Come back now
If you really want to support Redbedlam then start playing the game and stop waiting for it to get better. Its not going to get better if it has no one playing the game.