What Stars KOTOR class would like to play as? I would just like to see how many people would like to play a class other then Jedi/Sith. Note that crafting would be seprate from combat so if you want to just craft it doesn't matter. You can level each indipendantly.
Bounty hunter/ Creature Handler.
cause i d like to choose that
Well you could vote for other and specify in your post. I'll see if I can edit it, but I thought Madolorians were a race of people and not a class per say.
I think it would be interesting however if the ability to become a Jedi/ Sith was only to be discovered late in your characters' leveling. Say if level 1-50, around level 35 (and not leveling by WoW standards, heh). Make it random and only a limited number posible per server.
But then again, everyone would bitch and cry
Well I don't mind having to wait until a certain level to start tranning to become a Jedi, but we have already seen the limit Jedi thing with SWG and it didn't work out well. Most people would like to play as a Jedi in the Star Wars universe so it wouldn't be much fun to play, see other Jedi running around, and know you will probably never be what you really want to.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
just buy the high armored gear, get the big gun, and put a lot of skills into grenades, ect, ect, ect..
and just not use any force powers.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Skill system is alright though it was really more like a class system in SWG which is where a lot of you MMO Star Wars fans seem to come from. The only game I think that was really popular that had a skill system was Ultima Online. I think most people enjoy having a set path before them when they start the game. They can identify themselves as a class and have a role in game instead of starting the same as everyone else and finding one along the way. I believe if Bioware made the game they would use a class system as it's been more successful and their game uses a class system as it is. If you like the skill system that is fine, but I don't think you will find another SWG pre NGE here.