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This forum is the for the discussion of roleplay, roleplay games/guilds, and for roleplay itself. Please note that this means actual roleplaying, not anything-RPG. If you want to talk about non-roleplay topics, please do so elsewhere
Laura "Taera" Genender
Community Manager
I've read, just a little confused. What's mean by saying roleplay but not RPG, isn't that roleplay?
"RPG" means roleplay game, but not neccesarily roleplaying - that is, it's a game that users a level based system but users aren't neccesarily roleplaying. This forum is specifically for in-character discussion, or discussion about the actual act of roleplaying
Laura "Taera" Genender
Community Manager
Actually I have to correct you. Role playing game is a game were you take on the ROLE of someone else. For instance a mage, warrior, or some combination there of.
Leveling system is not the criterion, its the fact that your playing as something other than yourself.
As for what roleplaying is, well, simply think of it like this. Instead of playing your character like an extension of yourself, play it like its own person. Create a story line for the character, birth, family, hometown, likes dislikes, etc.
For instance, you might be a sweet / nice person in real life, but in game you play a ruthless murdering mercenary. You might be a rather strong willed arrogant person in real life, but in game you play a friendly and generous priest.
Regardless, roleplaying is leaving your rl troubles behind for a while, and taking on the troubles and joys of a character that you have created in your head.
i second the motion!
I forth!
Can someone suggest me a best free role playing game? I tried Feista and Shaiya but those games sucked. Sick of poor graphics and laggy servers. If you are playing a good game them let me know because I am in the market for new game now.
Ummm...pretty sure WoW is a real roleplaying game...?
LOTRO maybe.
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