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My thoughts of DAoC free trial

krityckrityc Member UncommonPosts: 175
I've played many of games, but hadn't tried daoc.  The fact that I was involved in other games at the time kept me from trying this game out.  As of lately the multiple disappointments of many MMORPGS has lead me searching desperatly for that perfect + fun game.  So years after its release I decided to give it a try.  Initially I was let down by the graphics engine, but reminded myself this is an older game and I needed to focus on gameplay and enjoyment.  The community was descent, but not great.  The reason for this is that so many players have played for so long they get tired of answering the all inspired nOob questions which is a flaw in a community.  Although some were willing to help out they were short in their answers.  Initially no character is much different than the next.  As more levels come you begin to get more diverse by selecting your own path.  The only problem is that with the design process of characters you are almost forced to follow a cookie cutter pattern or you will nerf yourself in the long run.  Yes, yes, yes . . . when I say nerf yourself I mean it, and you ask why do you?  Because the very fiber holding this game in existance is the element of PvP/GvG/RvR.  Call it what you want, but if your character doesn't add to the fun of the battle grounds or realm vs realm then the game is a lost hope.  NE-wayz, the begining also feels like you're a little out of place.  Town after town they all seem like baron towns with stationary NPCs that add no flavor to the game.  Also there doesn't appear to be any sort of map system, easy to over come via fan sites with map print outs, and it also makes it hard to locate friends/parties/quest points.  This fact can be a throw because it makes the game a little more real, but we're not here for simulation we're here for fun fast action packed carnage.  As I said early the PvP is the only thing holding this together, and yes you can duel from an early level, BUT you have to be willing to suck it up at early levels to make it to the real fun.  Many players doing a FREE trial will never get to that point after only 7 days.  That leaves a small gaming community slowly loosing players.  They have great concepts, but IMHO Mythic should focus on making the next genere game from what they've learned instead of milking a dry cow like EQ has done.

"You can lay on your back for hours and imagine clouds are various animals, but in the end they are just clouds."

Krityc 2/9/04


T=Time G=Gear W=Win Gr=Grind Nf=NoFun S=Skill FoF=FullofFail

"Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's azz by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?" - Tommy Boy


  • holycannoliholycannoli Member Posts: 236

    [quote] This fact can be a throw because it makes the game a little more real, but we're not here for simulation we're here for fun fast action packed carnage.[/quote]

    Maybe you're there for fun fast action packed carnage, but many are there for simulation and roleplay in a team-based pvp environment. Including me (when I played this).

  • brostynbrostyn Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,092
    I don't think PvP plays that important of a role that many outsiders think. There are always many lvl 50s out there helping thier friends, crafting, playing in ToA . On a server of 950 during peaktime (Nimue) there are about 300ish albions online. 120 are lvl 50. Guess what, you only see about 30-40 in PvP. Some are buffbots too. DAoC has never been fast action packed. When there is action its fast, but it can take quit awhile to find most of the time. Outspoken gank guilds have made this popular aspect standout. There are only 20-30 people in our realm that are part of a gank guild, and they do no play with others.

  • numaticnumatic Member UncommonPosts: 675

    Originally posted by krityc 
      Initially I was let down by the graphics engine, but reminded myself this is an older game and I needed to focus on gameplay and enjoyment. 

    Get SI and ToA. I downloaded the free trial and then bought the platinum edition. The improvement in GFX were phenomenal. The only games i found with better gfx then DAoC were CoH and Lineage 2. And those games were released years after daoc.

  • maguseomaguseo Member Posts: 39
    how much is it per month for DAoC?

  • numaticnumatic Member UncommonPosts: 675

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