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I saw this post on another board on my irregular visits to it but saw someone saying Endless-Ages was revived, , Crazy after Rapid Reality Studios took it, closed it down, made a sequel that got closed down as well.
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I'm not sure but didn't they re-release this game a Phylon?
Yes actually a company took over it and decided to make Phylon and close down EA. However Phylon only lasted about 4 days I believe.
Currently Playing:
It was actually pretty promising, lots of great gameplay planned (and, actually, programmed) for it that got cut because it was going to "complicate things", then the designers fired for it (myself included) and the design was taken over by some artists who don't even play games.
From my understanding, this revival group is run by several "Beta" and "Release" fanatics who still hang around.
I wish them the best though. Hope they get the game they love/want back like we were originally trying to do with Phylon.
- CaesarsGhost
Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title.
"When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy."
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
I smell another dump-and-run here, folks.
Wow, I remember playing this back in 2003 or something. It was actually pretty fun flying around with the jet packs. The game was a pretty interesting if a bit strange and had a ton of features. I think it was originally made by 3 guys who actually published it. It lasted a couple of years I believe.
Lets hope its not just being used as a tool to steal from players now.
Jason Lee AKA SnowFox paid not sure how much to Aaron AKA BedBug the person who designed the Engine and who put out Endless Ages BEFORE MMOLANDS has taken over the project..
The player demands for years was Endless Ages but they did not listen to the players instead they decided to make a 3rd person shooter and it was a fail from there biggest fan base from the start.
Jason Lee the one I'm telling you who's running this project is one of the people who got scammed. Hes offering a $10 pre order to get a guaranteed access to closed beta a little fun t-shirt with your char name and a CD..
There also offering open beta.. The closed should start around Feb 1st and the open sometime Mid Feb depending on how things go..
Many and I mean MANY of the old Beta Players for Endless Ages and Gold Players and even the mmolands Endless Ages people are coming back and happier then ever..
You will not get scammed but if you fill at risk I always suggest check it out at Open Beta or better yet come join us when its out!
The game site:
and my fan site with lots of great info:
If you have questions let me know!
Sorry for my English
All I remember about Endless Ages is that it started as a fantasy EQ clone.
I played in the Alpna or Beta or whatever. I played as one of the cat people but I got stuck in a wall in a cave.
Hate to be rude but thats for sure not Endless Ages lol this diffrent see screenshots:
Ok updated subscription info..
Only $10 preorder. This gets you a T-Shirt + CD + 1 month free in game (normal sub) and into Closed Beta.
People thought once you sub it starts but apparently that is not the case.
I think its worth it.. Also 12 months = 80 bucks..
More info: