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From the few videos of the game so far, it doesn't look like there will be. I think it would be a nice addition, otherwise to me it seem slike 3rd person mode in combat would just be a hassle because of a harder time aiming. That could be just me though.
It's not harder to aim in 3rd person. It's harder to a FPS player because they're so used to playing in 1st person. If you take someone who's never played a shooter before, let them try both 1st person and 3rd person, and ask which feels easier to aim with, they'll probably say the latter.
This isn't Battlefield Heroes, though: you'll have the choice of using either, and probably the ability to change views at will.
I disagree completely, but whether or not it is easier to aim with 1st or 3rd person view is not the focus of the thread.
Hi, from what we know so far, cover is all part of the game (it is a spy-themed game, don't forget ), and camera view can be changed seamlessly between 1st and 3rd person...
So I guess those old mechanics won't hamper your gameplay (you will swap them depending on the situation like you do when you use a sniper scope).
But perhaps the question of the OP was more if what an avatar see really depends on its current position (behind a wall, those sort of things) and not its camera position.
If so, I greatly encourage you to post that question in the "ask the devs" discussion board of The Agency on Facebook.
by Kaeldjin.