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Seriously. Gamers who've played since WoW but think they know everything there is to know about the industry. Act like they've played all the games that have ever came out because they logged in once 8 years after the game went gold.
You weren't there when it came out; therefore, please STFU about game mechanics you've never experienced.
Housing is NOT a hardcore only activity.
Raiding is NOT a hardcore only activity.
Crafting as a profession is NOT a hardcore activity.
Developers are making multiplayer versions of single player games and calling them MMOs because that's what the new gamers want; NOT because it's what is casual friendly.
If you weren't there to play within at least the first six months of a game, just STFU, sit back, and let the old schoolers discuss old school sh**. Don't talk like you've played it when it was prime. Cause we all know you didn't.
nethervoid - Est. '97
20k+ subs YouTube Gaming channel
im sick of that to.. they are like feelers they talk like a beta player but they are not..:(
Guys, old school players are those that have been playing MMO's for years, not just since the start of WoW lol, at least get that right. We are talking people that were there at the start of the original Uo, EQ, DAoC etc. before WoW was even a twinkle in Blizzards eye.
Thank you!!!! Glad someone said it, cause I would have just been rude based on feeling like crap today.
Old school is the pioneer players of MMO's 1999 to 2001 maybe 2002, really old school are those that played MUD's prior to that, Ancient school are those that play BB's and really went to great lengths to act out their games.
Well shit, i don't even consider myself old school and i WAS there for AC, the early days of DAOC and WoW beta.
I am 38 I have ben playing RPG's since the 80's on comadore 64, TI994a, and an apple IIc, I was there from the begining of MMORPG's Ultima and EQ started it all in my humble opinion. If you started with those and have played most the MMO's since then I think you have a good grasp on mmorpg's and what it is you want from them.
PS, almost forgot AC till i saw it in the post above me. Played that as well.
Me kinda agree with OP.
Rather focus on positive if can, but I can understand someone focusing on negative stuff...I also do that, especially when it hurt.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
MM I'm sure that some may be but just checking the join dates on this site may at least give you a clue
So...what are some of you old school players playing..or are you ?
(played UO at start up for 18 months...DAOC at startup and on and off for 5+years....countless others....currently not paying any game regularly)
i dislike elitist attitudes more than "vets"
been playing mmos since early 90s
Just because some have been playing a loooooooong time and only recently joined this site, would be the appropriate and only validation. Yup that logic works.
I recently joined because I used the commentaries of this site, rating guide, and forums to move on to my next MMO but I have been playing for 7 years now. I recently found this site, searching for a new MMO that would help me from wasting huge blocks of time on a game that was not going anywhere. And I don't even really consider myself old school, although at the massive influx of lack of logic using commentarires I am re-evaluating that.
You know what I'm sick of?
People denigrating my opinion because I'm not considered 'hardcore' or a 'veteran'.
The ultimate solution to every problem: more space marines.
My age in RL keeps telling me how old school I am. I dont have to pretend lol. Kinda sucks LOL
I thought old school gamers were the ones that played pong when it originally launched. The guys that saw pinball give rise to arcade, give rise to console.
Most mmo players today weren't even embryos when I was dropping quarters into Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pacman, Galaga, Centipede, Red Baron, and Tempest arcades.
I spent all nighters playing Misslecommand and Pitfall on Atari 2600. On PC I was determined to beat Oregon Trail and some text based dungeon crawl I can't remember the name of, till I got banned from the computer.
Just because some have been playing a loooooooong time and only recently joined this site, would be the appropriate and only validation. Yup that logic works.
I recently joined because I used the commentaries of this site, rating guide, and forums to move on to my next MMO but I have been playing for 7 years now. I recently found this site, searching for a new MMO that would help me from wasting huge blocks of time on a game that was not going anywhere. And I don't even really consider myself old school, although at the massive influx of lack of logic using commentarires I am re-evaluating that.
I said that it may give a clue, not that it was set in stone. Those players who only started with MMO's when WoW came out are unlikely to have been members of this site for a good few years. I played the original Uo, didn't like it much. Skipped the original EQ and played DAoC from release for a few years, still pop in there on occasion. Mostly play EQ2 at the moment while waiting for AoC and WAR.
Even so I don't consider myself old school, experienced yes but not old school. I leave that distinction to those that typed away on BB's
I've been playing online games since Ogre on a C64 with a 300 baud modem. I played several games from beta up, but I don't consider myself close to "hardcore" or "old-school"
If some kid wants to pretend to be something he or she isn't, it's no skin off my nose. Why let it bother you?
I can understand some frustration with the little buggers, but remember there is always someone better, faster, stronger and with more experience.
Damn you for mentioning pong. I remember spending endless hours on that game in the pub, then along came space invaders and pacman like an irresistable heroin shot lol.
How about the big step up you made when you got that Atari or Commadore 64 with the tape cassette software...screaming across the internet at between 14-28k baud.
Damn you for mentioning pong. I remember spending endless hours on that game in the pub, then along came space invaders and pacman like an irresistable heroin shot lol.
I remember my dad bringing "Home Pong" home, when I was like 6 or so. It was more for him I think than me. Ahh, video games on a B&W
I just realized that my dad (in his 60's now) is really old
Well, anyone who started playing MMOs with WoW (even beta) is not old school, thats for sure.