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I am wondering if this game will actually be released.. Haven't heard any reassuring news in around a month and a half. With Webzen behind this, I truely don't think this game will release; especially not this year. 2009 or later? Perhaps.
P.S. I'm talking about the game actually making it to the U.S/Euro
What do you think?
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
I met a person who worked on Huxley a while ago in a pretty high up position and they did say it probably will not release. I really hope they are wrong. They said lots of disagreements on how to satisfy FPS players and keep an MMO. Like I said I hope they are wrong but they really knew their stuff.
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IT'LL NEVER BE RELEASED... it was supposed to be released Q4 2007 but they suck at programming and such. lazy mafkinsumbishes
sad to say but i'm starting to lose faith
Its not supposed to come out till at least 6 months after korean version. I would bet we will have it before q4 2008.
It looks very close to finished
Own, Mine, Defend, Attack, 24/7
No idea, Webzen is a bit lurky. But it was a while ago since we're got anything to chew on.
The Sceptics, yes they're special but we've need them to.. I guess.
And if they're put more effort can create a 'Team Sceptic'
and send them to the Special Olympus.
Any recent news?
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Where did you meet this person?
Huxley hasn't been to any game conventions in recent memory.
On a boat. They are now working on eve a browser game. Different than Eve online. Anyway has anyone heard anything at all on Huxley?
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I just saw this article at MMOSite.
Seems pretty cool....I wasn't actually following this title until I saw it.
If and when it hits, I'll give it a look. Looks like Hellgate done right.
By the time this game does release its going to be a History Sim.
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In a very recent ep of xplay on g4 they intervied one of the people involved with the game and asked him a variety of questions, and showed off some of the game play. Everything seems to be coming together, and from the sound of it the game will be a cross between the latest untreal tournament with very fast pased fps combat, and helgate with a way to also advance through just doing quests. All round though the game looked just like Unreal tournament graphic wise, and looked very sharp and crisp. I believe the interview took place at this years game developers onference. In the same episode they intervied the head producers or designers of fallout 3.