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EverQuest: Dev Chat - TONIGHT! - 7pm EST

TaeraTaera Community ManagerMember CommonPosts: 1,078

Please join us on Tuesday, May 13th at 7pm EST for another dev chat!

Come meet Ryan "Rytan" Barker, the new lead designer for SOE's EverQuest, live in the Chatroom!  Starting at 7pm EST on 05/13/08, the EverQuest developers will answer your questions about the game, world, recent updates, future plans, and the team direction under new lead designer Rytan! Bring a question, bring a friend! After the chat, be sure to stick around for EverQuest and other MMORPG discussion.

Users can connect via any IRC client, to server port 6667. The chat will take place in #mmorpg.

Learn more about EverQuest here.

Laura "Taera" Genender
Community Manager


  • EffectEffect Member UncommonPosts: 949

    I sat through a nice part of that chat last night in hopes that I could possibly get a question answered from the devs (since I've never seen anyone when given the chance directly ask it to EQ devs) but  that was more boring than I could have ever expected. Sadly that will most likely be the last one I go to as well.

    I can't help but get the serious nagging feeling though that the devs get to cherry pick the questions they answer instead of the moderator simply posting in the order they are received (of course without insults and rude language) with the devs getting no warning. If that is the case then a chat is really pointless and MMORPG should simply collect questions, send them in, let them pick which ones they want to address and then post up the devs responses like they do with interviews. Just drop all the pretense of a chat with developers since it really isn't that at all.

  • MisiuMisiu Member UncommonPosts: 43
    I enjoyed the chat myself.   I thought they did a good job of answering some of the questions.   I was just a little disappointed in the lack of information on a few items.  Which I am sure had more to do with trying to build up some hype about the game and the upcoming changes then it was being intentionally obtuse.

    I am actually looking forward to the upcoming game changes and the next progression server that will be released.   The game play in everquest has always been one of my favorite. I would love to see a re-influx of players. I would leave every other game in a heartbeat to go back to eq if some of the more glaring problems get resolved. Healing, catching up with friends, etc, etc.


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