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game 2 hard
h8 this game cus its sooooo hard is not fun
cus its not even fun to just die
is this your first mmorpg
EDIT:you the person who found eve hard aswell.
maybe try out a few ofline rpg before getting into an mmorpg
Learn….play and learn.
This game is barely hard friend.
Soverign Malus some call me
Blood hound is what other's say.
I shall crush all opponents
Father Death, Chaos Lord Rains tyranny.
blanket of shadow, steel sword kissed by the blood of the unworthy. Foes Fall, Fields Of Red.
- Soverign Malus " Father Death" Forever Shadow Sect.
lol Must be sarcasm, as I've read your posts before...and you're quite a bit more legible.
To whisper. Are you sure? here is another one of his posts
is game really Tabula Rasa?Fail at same time?
How people play on going wrong?
going tabula rasa for information???
If he is posting like this on purpose even though he is capable of typing normally I would suggest not typing like this when you have an issue or make it clearer that you are joking.
And sorry man but the game is not too hard maybe you're playing a class that is weak under lvl 10 (i.e. Bear Shaman) or maybe you are having trouble with the combat, such as attacking where there are shields up instead of where there are no shields.
Yeah, I was just going to say, that sounded more like some mutilated Haiku rather than a post.
Fail at same time?
How people play on going wrong?
going tabula rasa for information???
And sorry man but the game is not too hard maybe you're playing a class that is weak under lvl 10 (i.e. Bear Shaman) or maybe you are having trouble with the combat, such as attacking where there are shields up instead of where there are no shields.
lol I didn't check that one, but i do remember reading this one..
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Joined: 1/23/08
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when I first played this game in beta, I posted on the beta boards and suggested that they needed more futuristic settings. Sprawling ruined cities for instance. Just something to make me feel like the environment was different from all the fantasy MMO's. I was so disappointed when I first started playing TR and 90% of the areas were wilderness or cave based. It's a fantasy MMO with guns basically. They should have started the game on Earth, with all the ruined cities, and made it a fight for survival and taking back humanities homeworlds. when playing TR it seriously felt like they just took some old areas created for a fantasy game, threw in a few futuristic models, and said "there...sci-fi."
I knew the game was in trouble when I went to one of the mid-level areas and it was filled with farms, caves, and what not. My god, it's like playing on an NWN tileset.....
It's just not original enough in look and feel to be the landmark Garriot claimed it would be. I seriously think large urban areas with impressive looking futuristic city landscapes would have been enough to make people feel like they were in a unique gaming environment.
Yeah I read some more posts and edited my above comment I don't know what is going on... Lol
Tisk Tisk....
Soverign Malus some call me
Blood hound is what other's say.
I shall crush all opponents
Father Death, Chaos Lord Rains tyranny.
blanket of shadow, steel sword kissed by the blood of the unworthy. Foes Fall, Fields Of Red.
- Soverign Malus " Father Death" Forever Shadow Sect.
Who knows, maybe it's a younger sibling, or an offspring. :P
In either case, something just doesn't jive
he could suffer from DID such a amusing word heh.
Soverign Malus some call me
Blood hound is what other's say.
I shall crush all opponents
Father Death, Chaos Lord Rains tyranny.
blanket of shadow, steel sword kissed by the blood of the unworthy. Foes Fall, Fields Of Red.
- Soverign Malus " Father Death" Forever Shadow Sect.
I really hope this post is a joke... no one can possibly be this... well, never mind.
I forget what forums I'm on sometimes.
Someone call me?
Love it
Soverign Malus some call me
Blood hound is what other's say.
I shall crush all opponents
Father Death, Chaos Lord Rains tyranny.
blanket of shadow, steel sword kissed by the blood of the unworthy. Foes Fall, Fields Of Red.
- Soverign Malus " Father Death" Forever Shadow Sect.
he could suffer from DID
I suffer from DID, but my second personality only shows up when my in-laws come for a visit.
holy CRAP! this game is EASY!
you gotta be kidding This was the easiest so called MMORPG I ever played, easier and less depth than WoW even. On the rare occasion I got ganged up on by 4 or more mobs and killed the death penalty was such a joke I did not even care. Less concern than getting fragged in a FPS even.
I miss DAoC
Adds are hard for some classes. Some places are hard. I really agree. However, try to make friends.Try to duo the quests. Its suddenly 250% more fun. Its not forbidden to duo them and you wont get banned for it :P
yeah... you played till 20. Go kill a canibal boss and his mignons at 50. Or pick flowers in a camp with potentially 10 adds, of fight an elite mage with two melee adds with a full group. You guys know nothing about this game.
yeah... you played till 20. Go kill a canibal boss and his mignons at 50. Or pick flowers in a camp with potentially 10 adds, of fight an elite mage with two melee adds with a full group. You guys know nothing about this game.
does the death increase at 50? If so I would have to spend 15 bucks and resubscribe to find out.
I know at level 20 it gave me a mild hit on stats which seemed to do nothing and i resspawned 15 secs from my tombstone when I bothered top go back and tag it. One night when I was bored I let myself get killed 10 times in 5 minutes without tagging the tombstones to see what effect the stat loss had and as far as I could tell it had none. I could still take on 4 mobs my own level and whip their butts. Sorry bud but this game is for people who just want to click buttons to kill time and not have any challenge in their games,
I miss DAoC
That statement alone tells people your nothing but a typical hater.
Not grabbing your Tombstone most certainly DOES have a very noticeable effect on the performance of ones character, I'm inclined to believe you haven't even played (despite your claims otherwise), as anyone that has knows that grabbing your stone is a near must.
Unless you enjoy rolling around with a MASSIVE stat loss for 30 minutes after your death.
That statement alone tells people your nothing but a typical hater.
Not grabbing your Tombstone most certainly DOES have a very noticeable effect on the performance of ones character, I'm inclined to believe you haven't even played (despite your claims otherwise), as anyone that has knows that grabbing your stone is a near must.
Unless you enjoy rolling around with a MASSIVE stat loss for 30 minutes after your death.
There are numerous thread still on the AoC boards concerning the fact that stats do not work. Therefore any penalty to stats are broken. So why would it bother you if the stats numbers are lower? They do nothing. Stat improving gear is busted, stat reductions as a penalty are broken. I know I know, one of these days Funcom is going to fix the stats, but right now they are busy with the important stuff like trying to make sure freckles work correctly.
If you find it a challenge then more power to you, every one has to find their difficulty level for fun. Fro me this game was just wayyyy too easy. I felt like I was playing a game geared at a ten year olds attention span level. No offense meant to the more mature ten year olds mind you.
I miss DAoC
yeah... you played till 20. Go kill a canibal boss and his mignons at 50. Or pick flowers in a camp with potentially 10 adds, of fight an elite mage with two melee adds with a full group. You guys know nothing about this game.
does the death increase at 50? If so I would have to spend 15 bucks and resubscribe to find out.
I know at level 20 it gave me a mild hit on stats which seemed to do nothing and i resspawned 15 secs from my tombstone when I bothered top go back and tag it. One night when I was bored I let myself get killed 10 times in 5 minutes without tagging the tombstones to see what effect the stat loss had and as far as I could tell it had none. I could still take on 4 mobs my own level and whip their butts. Sorry bud but this game is for people who just want to click buttons to kill time and not have any challenge in their games,
My reply was about difficulty. There are times where you can solo 5 mobs. Please also note that mignions usually are weaker then common mobs. Occasionally you are able to slaughter a lot of mobs. Once you learn your class better and use your potions wise. Its fun when 3 fatalities in a row wipe a group of mobs . But combat gets harder later on. There are still encounters you can slaughter, but often enough you have to run or you die. Epic mobs can be a PITA. Funcom doesnt always place them like on a shooting gallery. Some hit like trains and ranged mobs are hell on earth. Cant tank them easily. You often cant just run to them and collect them, because you might cause adds. Lots of adds. Adds who chase you all the way down to the exit or respawn point. If a group of 6-7 encounters a mage, a ranger and a tank mob in an epic zone they are deep in shit. Healers are no bots. PoM for example hast do do damage to be effective at healing and aggro control comes into play. My main is a 50 ranger and i easliy can pull aggro if i am not careful enough. All i can do is to switch to sword and shield, press X and drink a healpotion until the tank(s) got him off of me. Cant wait to get a crafted wepaon with life tapping gems ;D Precious survivability hehe
Deathpenalty has impact. AoC is a small numbers game. At 30 a medium chest has maybe 8 or 10 mitigation. So -1 is something. But its not about that. If you go to the great stygian pyramid an die on the 3rd floor you respawn on the 1st floor and have to do it all over again. The zone is contested and has respawns. People who take it to easy will waste endless time. It can take 5 or 10 hours if you die over and over again on the 3rd floor.
There are also many outdoor areas where a death is moving you back to start. There is a path up into the mountais. You need to cross a pass to lure out a monster bear and kill him. The whole journey has almost no safe spot to take a rest. If you are lucky you get 2 mins stealthed in the shadow of a tree. Lots of adds and a few bosses on the way up. If you die a few times you wasted 4+ hours and still havent seen the high plateau where the big bear roams. Death can be horribly annoying in AoC and you better avoid it. Really you should..
Hate to break it to you, but all stats are broken. Stats from gear, skills, and feats don't apply. My main is a conqueror, and other than the chance to proc or an unlocked ability, my character is the same regardless of spec. I die on purpose, to travel from graveyard to graveyard. The penalty is indeed a joke.
Myth. Trust me. Play a ranger and exchange your best gear with cloth and see how you go down much faster. HP and STAM on items work. Life, Stam and mana taps work as well. Its arguable that dex is probably broken. But my evasion feats work. Procs work as well.
Well, the deadth penalty. *sigh* If you die to travel then its your decission. As in life cheating almost always leads to boredom. Action and consequences. Whatever you decide, you have to take the consequences.