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Well I played the WAR OB and have played other MMos and I just can't keep up. I would like to try PVP but I had my ass handed to me in WAR on several occasions. I just can't hit the right key at the right time while moving and leaping.
I don't know if I am just getting old or if MMOs are now populated by 3 armed mutants but it is really getting me down.
This isn't just in PVP. PVE also. once my group starts wading in I lose track of my target and start getting slow as I start hitting the ~ or tab key instead of the 1 key. Most everything is dead before I can even get my sword out of the sheath if you know what I mean.
Is there a good MMO that isn't based on button mashing or one that has a slower less complex combat? Maybe one where you have to think more than use your hands. Hell, I know games advance but what ever happened to pushing "a" to attack and the monitoring you stats and group to make sure it was going your sides way?
And don't get me started on gear. When did it get so hard on keeping up with what is the best gear and why can't I kill that guy with this sword that has done me so well.
I really enjoyed WoW until I found out it was so gearcentric that I was 5 levels behind with gear I just looted or quested for.
Can anyone help me out?
That's funny because my favorite game (MotG) has a combat system and gear system that I think are too simplistic. Maybe that means you would like it. In Magic of the Gods, you already are carrying a weapon, all you have to do is click on a target and hit the button. You don't need special weapons to fight other players or monsters. If you have a good sword, it will do what swords can do just as well against any enemy. But don't count on killing a dragon with just a sword. I heard the entire Azmar Army tried to kill a dragon and all they did was wound it and drive it away. They STILL couldn't kill it.
You don't need to worry about gear or button mashing. It's definitely a thinking game. Also it's big on role playing. Everyone there is in character all the time. I've never seen a player community like it.
Be warned, its still in beta and has some downsides. One of these is lame graphics. They say they will improve them soon, but currently the graphics are like EQ1. Another downside is that you can't just play whenever you want. They only have "sessions" twice a week when the game server is on. On the plus side, one of those sessions is going to start in about an hour from now.
If you do play, look for me. My character is Radnar. I'm trying to establish a kingdom.
Games played:
Runescape --------------
Magic of the Gods ------
Saga of Ryzom ----------
World of Warcraft -------
Thanx I will MotG up.
If you are looking for a non-button mashing MMO, than you must absolutely check out Darkfall (check out the official trailers on youtube). It has an FPS style fighting system in which you have to aim your shots, melee hits, or spells directly at the person, no autoattack or global cooldown or junk like that. I was in the same situation as you; i tried AoC. the combat system was alright, though it got boring after a while doing the same old combos. Also darkfall is not level based, its skill oriented. Check it out on the forums
Regards, Wrath