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For starters gotta be Agency vs. Agency (guild vs guild)
Agency housing can be developed anywhere, but are able to be attacked by rival agencies! And I am talking cool locales ie. sky scrapers, mansions, old castles, underground facilites, Boats, mountain retreats, if your guild has the budget and skill sets to do justabout anything.
this also brings up different skill sets, infiltration, mountaineering, scuba diving, driving sets like car, boat, plane. E.I. say you build a mountain retreat on a cliff and rival agency wants to steal info do you send in a team thatcanclimb the cliff or do you flat out assault it from the air via parachute or punch your way thru the main gate.
Your agency gets new wepaons training for each pve mission/ pvp mission but....with the use of spies other agencies can learn of new weapons and set out to steal the blueprints or whatnot. Because ofthis you need to set limits on when attacks take place i.e. timed vaults, its being moved from locale a to b at such and such time, thus eliminating 4 in the morning raids when no agency members are on.
Different missions...not all shoot and kill. i.e. break in rival agencies skyscraper and photo blue prints and put back so nobody knows. which brings more skill sets to the table photograghy, alarm detection, sneak, open. Or make hits on rival agencies where ONLY intended target can be hurt.
Make it wide open when picking skills, I want to be a very good gambler, with med lvl parachuting and scuba driving skills and med to low lvl skills in pistols and driving boats and cars......or blah blah
The skies the limit with skill sets and espionage setting do make us generic heavy weapons type A or sniper type b. Think ....demolitions, pistols, rifles, driving cars, heavy machinery (tanks, apcs, boats, planes, subs, so much you could do for this game and make it unique instead of cookie cutter game d!