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Guilds and raiding?

AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

Just wondering if they will enforce it like EQ, EQ2 and WoW...


You remember this rule in D&D(about moving):


A group advance at the pace of it slowest member MINUS 33%(or was the penalty heavier?)?


Should apply in some aspect of the game, where if you want to progress you need to get smaller groups and eventually solo!


But prolly just a wishfull thought, they will prolly be another raiding whore out there!  I would not mind if they developp a raiding aspect to the game that have nothing to do with non-raiding althought, raiding logic to raiding setting, nothing more!


- "EQ2 or WoW? I wont touch it! Not even with a stick!''

- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren


  • Skratch1320Skratch1320 Member Posts: 162

    Raiding in DDO I don't think its going to be possible.

    Each group have their own instanced dungeon or above ground area for which their quest takes them so that they won't see another group on the same task while trying to complete theirs. Kill stealing is taken out while player interaction with the enviroment becomes more intense, (door's stay locked, unlocked, or broken, dropped items remain, traps are still set or disarmed, etc.) Besides, going back to the way D&D is set up, I've seen a group of no more than 8 take on Tiamat and win, so I don't think massive group raiding is necessary. image

    "Really, I'm quite sane. Just ask my psychiatrist, Dr. Sockpuppet."

    "Rehab is for quitters."

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