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A Review

I've played a 16ranger and a 20mystic on west and east respectively and here's what i got so far.

1)Quest based. You get a bulk of exp from them and i'm guessing for higher levels as well. they arnt like adventures you've never seen before(aka kill kill collect collect) but its good exp. So far more exp than any quest in any mmo i've played. Therefore less grinding than most mmos. I find the stories in the quests interesting because some of them are based on real chinese legends(eg monkey king) and its nostalgic for me, even if the aims of the quests dont make sense due to errors in translation.

2)You could actually buy 2x exp tokens with in game regional virtual. Abeit hard but better than nothing.

3)No shouting or recruting parties easily, unless with cash. On the recruiting party panel, its ALWAYS empty. You cant shout or recruit thru the panel without the angelic bell.If im not wrong its a cash item ,although this can be bought from other players cheaply, you have to buy in bulk. even then not many shout for parties. Guilds dont invite nubcakes like me, altho thats a good thing maybe. Imo very diff to get into parties early game even tho i play mystic(healer), which brings us to

4)Classes just arnt good at what they do.  At least from what i've seen on my chars so far. My mystic couldnt heal for shit early game when i tried to do the crypt instance. Worsened by the fact that its hard to find parties big enuff to complete the instance. The delay for the only heal spell was 3 seconds(and possibly more) and healed less than 10% of the lv30 dragoon tanking. The delay did not decrease as my spell levels. He might have high health, but i couldnt even heal close to 20% of my own hp. there arnt any mass healing spell. The buffs are nice, but the useful ones come very late in the game. wtf is with that? My ranger cant hit from very far(i trained like a mage) and from what i've heard, the supposed tanks arnt tanking OR dps well( tho i think they improved since closed beta). Mages seem to be the only sane choice for casual gamers like me.

5)Solo game. Altho i couldnt heal for shit, the quests helped my mystic level well and i could even solo as long as i had my pet. All you loners out there, this game's for you.

6)Pets are fun. You could tame almost every monster, from sheeps to giant monkeys to demigod looking monsters. You could also transform into almost any of them to gain certain advantages over certain monsters.

7)Imo, good for some casual gaming and burning away some time. If you got work/school and play only 2-3 hrs a day, its sufficient to enjoy this game until lv 20 or so(havent reached more than that myself.) I've played some mmos and this is the second best ideal casual fighting mmorpg imo. The other is RO, but ever since the community in mRo got killed by bots RO died as well. Private servers just arnt fun besides pvp.


Other than the angelic bell(correct me if im wrong about it being a cash item), the company isnt very hardass on cash items(if im not wrong, its cuz they've got pw).


Overall, its an enjoyable game for me so far. Worth a try if you like these recent mmo trend of  ROSE-like graphics and don't mind its minor flaws. For those looking for a casual mmo, this might be worth a try. ESO also has a slightly different way of character build. Those hardcore WoW ppls looking for a change close this tab now. The game just came out on open beta this march so the class balancing issues(esp mystic) just might have a slight chance of being worked on.

So far the leveling's still ok, so i'm gonna solo with my healer(>.>) and dump my boring ranger.  Anyone wants to play together on nights (GMT+8) feel free to pm me on east server, ign: Fez.(


(Edit: Regional virtue, not virtual)

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