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dlooneydlooney Member Posts: 306

Me and my friend got into a discussion today about cyborgs such as what it would take bla bla a bunch of sci babble. However our views were a little conflicting on another issue that came up from it, he said that by the time that their were cyborgs we would probably be able to some how download our conscience. I said that if by some wierd chance we were able to do that that no computer could hold ALL of our memories and emotions and just everything that we remember and hold onto both consciensly and subconsciensly. What are your guys view on this?


  • ZindaihasZindaihas Member UncommonPosts: 3,662

    If I had an army of cyborgs, I could control the world.  The only question would be...would I be a benevolent dictator or would that kind of power consume me to the point where I would crush my foes just for shear pleasure.  I don't see much room for middle ground here.

  • snipergsniperg Member Posts: 863

    Actually modern computers and those that will be built in 10 years or less, will exceed by far the capacity of the human brain.

    So yeah you could download the full concience and actually be able to remove all the other levels of concience like the sub concious.

    But they haven't analyzed the brain and its infinite connections so a cyborg army is still far away:P


    A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.

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