For anyone who say the new interview with david allen on Massively who else was literally crying from laughing? Man im simply amazed at how that guy is full of bullshit and turns every piece of criticism into a positive for his game. Who else agrees?
I don't think I got to the funny part; I stopped reading to find my real world achievement window.
"We have an achievement panel because we have an Achievement system planned and nearing completion. We have a keyring because we plan to have keys to open access to special content, such as instances. It's that simple.
A Keyring? Achievements? These are not WoW-specific things. They are common sense. They exist in the real world."
- David Allen
My favorite part so far is:
"WoW is the most successful and well-known MMOG in history, and it follows standards set by countless games before it. Why wouldn't we want the custom-built Alganon UI to be familiar to players who know these standards? Every piece of the Alganon UI was hand created by our team. We designed it to be familiar and easy to recognize. It's simple as that."
At least he finally, partially, admits they stole -- I mean "hand created" the UI using WoW standards... I like that... WoW Standards.
Darzin -- A Gnome in a Night Elf World
Were can I read this interview? I wanna laugh :P
"But, if you are looking for the features and community we already have, or you want to be a part of the process that gets those features implemented, preorder right now."
I like how he doesn't sugar coat that, so I give him credit, of course you can go look at their website to see what features they have implemented right now! Wait, no you can't because 90% of that stuff isn't in the game and the only way to know that would be to play the beta...
"One thing we don't want is for players to get a false impression of the game and buy it because of false hype."
Which is why they released the preorders of the game while it was still under NDA? Or why they have a contest to have you e-mail your friends and convince them to buy the game... because we all know that will produce zero false hype.
Darzin -- A Gnome in a Night Elf World
Darzin -- A Gnome in a Night Elf World
I agree, the questions probably put Allen directly on the offensive. Which isn't a good thing for the interview, but neither is it good to completely evade most points made by saying "common sense" "we plan" and other cliched corporate catch phrases.
Darzin -- A Gnome in a Night Elf World
agree 100%
Thanks for the link while some lines are pretty funny the interview did tease too much, yeah he had to ask about the similarities of both games but one question was enough regaring wow.
Well I hope alganon gets morre fanboys maybe we will see some new game getting trolled DF,Aion,War,AoC flames have become old and repetitive now :P
Actually the questions were taken from readers, they had an actual interview and everyone flamed massively for being too nice and not asking questions regarding the flaws so they had a contest where the top 10 questions from readers would be answered by david.
i really do feel sorry for anyone that supports this guy and his game.
I don't understand what the big deal is. Blizzard pretty much copied everything from the Warhammer Universe and called it Warcraft. So why the uproar about a game that not many people will play anyway ?
Didn't you also say that "WoW stole their UI" as well in a previous post? If you aren't interested in the game, perhaps you had move along as well? Also, whether Blizzard stole everything from Warhammer isn't the debate here. Warhammer essentially took all of it's ideas from Tolkien, which were borrowed from various places including Wagner's Opera Der Ring des Nibelungen. He borrowed a lot from Norse and Germanic mythology.
The point being, it's one thing to borrow and another to just steal. Alganon stole every idea from somewhere. The two unique parts of the game "study system" and "the library" were taken from Eve and LotRO respectively.
I am sure right now, you could name a dozen RPGs that each use a different UI, different character building system, different quest style, different skill system. The choice to ripoff 90% of your game from the most popular game of it's generation is not a smart move.
Darzin -- A Gnome in a Night Elf World
Didn't you also say that "WoW stole their UI" as well in a previous post? If you aren't interested in the game, perhaps you had move along as well? Also, whether Blizzard stole everything from Warhammer isn't the debate here. Warhammer essentially took all of it's ideas from Tolkien, which were borrowed from various places including Wagner's Opera Der Ring des Nibelungen. He borrowed a lot from Norse and Germanic mythology.
The point being, it's one thing to borrow and another to just steal. Alganon stole every idea from somewhere. The two unique parts of the game "study system" and "the library" were taken from Eve and LotRO respectively.
I am sure right now, you could name a dozen RPGs that each use a different UI, different character building system, different quest style, different skill system. The choice to ripoff 90% of your game from the most popular game of it's generation is not a smart move.
lol wow stole all its systems if we follow your standards. This game is as any other recently made. it sucks... Wow is a shit game. Plain and simple. I recieved two close beta keys for this game but thought it would be to much effort to even dl it.
ths game is a pass.
There is a difference between custom build and direct copy, what these guys are doing is copying WOW directly lol. Like i said in my previous, i'm sure as soon as they launch they'll be sued, you dont need to be a judge to see this, it's a cut and past of WOW plain and simple.
Didn't you also say that "WoW stole their UI" as well in a previous post? If you aren't interested in the game, perhaps you had move along as well? Also, whether Blizzard stole everything from Warhammer isn't the debate here. Warhammer essentially took all of it's ideas from Tolkien, which were borrowed from various places including Wagner's Opera Der Ring des Nibelungen. He borrowed a lot from Norse and Germanic mythology.
The point being, it's one thing to borrow and another to just steal. Alganon stole every idea from somewhere. The two unique parts of the game "study system" and "the library" were taken from Eve and LotRO respectively.
I am sure right now, you could name a dozen RPGs that each use a different UI, different character building system, different quest style, different skill system. The choice to ripoff 90% of your game from the most popular game of it's generation is not a smart move.
lol wow stole all its systems if we follow your standards. This game is as any other recently made. it sucks... Wow is a shit game. Plain and simple. I recieved two close beta keys for this game but thought it would be to much effort to even dl it.
ths game is a pass.
I have no clue what you actually wrote -- except that WoW sucks. WoW didn't steal half the things they are accused of stealing, but most people would rather go on facetious remarks and hearsay. It's the way the world works, sadly though Alganon took far too many things from WoW for me to forgive them. Then again, I am sort of an elitist, just like someone coming on an MMO board to complain about the biggest MMO in the world.
Darzin -- A Gnome in a Night Elf World
Well, i'm still going to try the beta. I read all your posts i can, some games are not for everyone. Its a shame the perfect MMO is not out there. I like most ppl wander from MMO to MMO and come away feeling like I just had 4-5 weeks of bad sex and all pissed off. It looks good at first plays well but something is missing. So sometimes I think maybe i should have put my money on a Hooker! ><
Yeah, its not a clone at all. Its all just a complete coincidence. Is Blackspire set in or around a mountain by any chance? Its a good job they didnt go with the name Asheroth after all.
I like the fact that people are rating down all the posts that say anything bad about the game on massively lol.
I'm sorry I got this confused with Allods, I'm sorry.
I don't know how anyone can even take massively seriously. That place is like one giant spam ad. At least this place somewhat tries to kinda-sorta remain subjective...sometimes.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
Massively put another article up, i love how the person attacks alganon straight up haha. Oh they also used one of the screenshots i think darzin put up on these forums, good stuff.
No, I used their image, because it was that good. I was so happy they attacked Alganon though, because you have to show the good and the bad of the game.
Darzin -- A Gnome in a Night Elf World
All the hype and subsequent bashing aside, I've seen a lot of screenshots from Alganon, and I've played the beta. There is nothing about this game that is good. Many of its elements look directly lifted from World of Warcraft, not just the UI, but even some of the terrain. The writing is horrible, there are only a few classes, and it even attempts to copy content from WoW. The human starting zone is a forest that looks very similar to Elwynn, which then leads to an orange-colored farmland area, very reminiscent of Westfall.
Alganon has no interesting storytelling, nor compelling characters, and no innovative gameplay. Most of what is considered interesting about it is content that will supposedly be released later, but they want us to pay premium prices for an obviously unfinished product. Yes, it is very unfair to compare every game that comes out to World of Warcraft and expect them to have he same quality with a fraction of the budget, but it is not a stretch to expect that new games build on previous ones, and attempt to raise the bar. Alganon falls abysmally short of raising any sort of bar. It takes no risks, tries nothing new, and will add nothing to the genre. It is a half-finished shell of a game that is being peddled by con artists.
Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard and/or Activision sues them for copyright infringement. But that's partially a commentary on how dickish the people who run Activision are.
Important facts:
1. Free to Play games are poorly made.
2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals.
3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE.
4. Community is more important than you think.
Every freaking fantasy themepark is the same shit. It's been the same since EQ and WoW just took it and made it a bit easier.
To trash Alganon is fucking stupid. Lotro and WAR did the same shit.
If your going to continue to support trash like WoW and the other fantasy themeparks then you deserve a thousand games like Alganon.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
I have to agree, we can all bitch as much as we want but until we let our money do the talking devs aren't going to listen. Unfortunately for me i've played all the sandbox games and currently subscribed to EVE but im still a noob there so who knows maybe eve will take me away until something good comes out?