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I am trying to design a modified DKP system for a casual raiding guild. By casual, I mean that we have lives outside of wow and you don't have to come to us already tier 8.5 or T9'd out. I am looking to design a DKP system where people earn DKP for boss kills and for donating certain things to the guild bank. What I really need to know is what to charge for loot. If everybody earns 5 DKP for a boss kill (for example) then how much should a level 232 item cost? (The way I idealize it is that the person with the most DKP gets first dibs on loot, but once he gets loot, he goes to the bottom of the priority list, and negative DKP will be allowed to some degree). Do any of you have ideas? How do your guilds do it?
A witty saying proves nothing.
A DKP bidding system with decay would be best. So people cant hoard points.
I dont know really, I hate DKP systems. They only reward people for time.
DKP with a casual guild is kinda hard. You'll have people hoarding points, so with out DKP decay doing lots of raiding over 2 months with get you everything you need in the next patch. As you start getting more and more DKP people may ask to raid more to get the points and you run into all the problems most half casual, half hardcore raiding guilds get into, not enought room, peopel leaving cuz they cant raid, etc
How does decay work? What kind of crazy math does this involve? One of the ways we mitigate people's "hoarding" is that once they recieve a piece of loot in a raid, then they go to the bottom of the priority list. They can still get loot, but other people get a chance at it too. Having the most DKP gives them the first shot at loot, but we try to get everybody a chance at loot in a raid.
A witty saying proves nothing.
imo NbG is the best way w/ mainspec getting 1st dibs
After patch 3.3 all your guild should be in 232 soon.
From a personal perspactive, points systems only tend to work with hardcore raiding guilds with a stable membership due to a closed book policy with raid time strictly managed, in 'casual' guilds you will probably find the system more trouble than it is worth. If you have an open door policy then you risk upsetting long term members if a new member joins that can put in more raid time than the established members making them feel hard done by.
With casual raiding you will probably find it better to just operate under a roll on primary then secondary spec for all members of the raid. This way everyone gets a crack at the whip for loot and those that raid more will have more cracks at it than those that don't.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The best way for a casual guild is to either just let guild members with seniority roll, everyone roll, or loot council it for a few people and have them roll. DKP is not casual by any means.
First of all, thank you all for your help and please keep it coming. I can see N>G on raids and having the officers just keep track via raidtracker or something of who gets what, but we put all of the frost orbs and BOE's in the guild bank and I was looking for a way to have members be able to "buy" stuff out the GB without using cash. (We also have matts, enchants, pots, etc in there)
A witty saying proves nothing.
First of all, thank you all for your help and please keep it coming. I can see N>G on raids and having the officers just keep track via raidtracker or something of who gets what, but we put all of the frost orbs and BOE's in the guild bank and I was looking for a way to have members be able to "buy" stuff out the GB without using cash. (We also have matts, enchants, pots, etc in there)
(Bank Items) A point system would work good for that imo
Maybe +1 for being on time +2 for raid boss and +3 for completing the raid (This I would do based on a 3+ boss raid not single boss raids - IE Naxx/ULD/TOC) and then all points reset on a monthly basis.
Assuming you're a 25man guild; there is a casual (3days/week, if not enough people turn up *shrug*) guild on my server that has been raiding casually since the release of TBC.
They use a loot council system taking into account effort made and people who for example can only make 1 raid a week etc etc, it's probably the best option since balancing the loot is fully in your control. Rolling works too, but i'd reckon you would have the most active raiders getting peeved often when someone who can hardly ever make it wins all the rolls when they're there.
But if you're 10man, /roll or just discuss between you who gets it if you're all friends.
"If all you can say is... "It's awful, it's not innovative, it's ugly, it's blah.." Then you're an unimaginative and unpolished excuse for human life" -eburn
Gold DKP (GDKP) is a great system and is becoming more popular all the time. It involves bidding on anything valuable that drops with gold (but it must be something suitable for your class, no warriors bidding on cloth). All bids are done in open raid chat. NO whispers involved. All of the gold is handled by the "master looter" and at the end of the run, the gold is split evenly across ALL raid members regardless if they won something or not.
Why is it a good system? Because even if you don't win anything you can walk away with 2k gold or more and use that money to bid next time.
Wow, thank you for all of your input. I will be using several of your ideas and post them here when they're all hammered out.
A witty saying proves nothing.