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I'd like to be able to use this context menu. Not your "limited" version of it during my posts. I cannot spell check myself in this one. I can see it's wrong but for some odd reason you guys find it better to completely remove my ability to change my mispelt words into the correct spelling. I don't get why you're doing this but it's quite odd.
I'd just like to be able to change my mispellings w/o any hassle.
i agree if you are using any other brower besids internet explorer you should be able to use the right click menu
I agree that there are a number of annoyances about the GUI, but I receive the Firefox context menu in addition to the site's GUI context menu. This allows me to correct the misspellings. I take it this doesn't happen for you?
You can turn off the fancy GUI by going into your profile options and choosing the BBML editor. I haven't tried this, but perhaps this will turn off the (I agree) irritating GUI-based pop up.
oops sorry I mean /sign
It's annoying as hell and the BBL blows.
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