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Playstation introduced alternate worlds, not games

In the original Nintendo ( NES / FAMICOM ) days, games were more games with a unique art and creative story / characters then they were an actual alternate reality / world that you could spend countless amounts of time in.

With the original Sony Playstation, introducing us to games such as Final Fantasy VII, Suikoden, Resident Evil etc, a new concept was introduced, games no longer were just games, but another world you could live in. With a much longer length of gameplay time introduced and expansive content, games weren't just games anymore, but an alternate reality of adventure and unique concepts.


  • MylonMylon Member Posts: 975

    FF4-6 were game worlds. Being 3d might make it more immersive, but those games weren't really any more game worlds than ealier games, except in how they inflated gameplay hours.


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