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Alternate leveling device

In reference to themepark games specifically, I feel like the main device for leveling comes down to experience gain as a point value.

This is a model that's been around since roleplaying games came into existence and it seems like there really hasn't been much innovation in this area.

Is it time for a company to come up with a new way to advance a character through levels?  Is it being done by companies today that have just gone under my radar?


I know skill systems exist, mostly in sandbox games, but all these systems appear to be are grindy and arbitrary.  What I'm waiting for is a system of specifics, almost like you'd see checkpoints in racing or action games.

Say I wanted to advance to level 2, well, maybe in order to do so, instead of having to gather 800 xp from various sources I'm instructed to display my use of combat mechanics, craft an item, and equip weapons.  Something like a task system.

This kinda stems from achievement systems I've been seeing in a lot of games these days.  You see these things on console games too, and it's something that people love and like.  They are presented with tasks or goals that yield them nothing but some numbers on a screen.  When is a system like this going to be used for player advancement?  Do you guys think something like this would work in one of these games?

MMOs played: Horizons, Auto Assault, Ryzom, EVE, WAR, WoW, EQ2, LotRO, GW, DAoC, Aion, Requiem, Atlantica, DDO, Allods, Earth Eternal, Fallen Earth, Rift
Willing to try anything new

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