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EricDanieEricDanie Member UncommonPosts: 2,238

So, here I was on my daily browsing of the Steam Store in search of gems, and this game called Coniclysm was just released today there.

It's an indy action shooter, for $4,99.

Some videos here:

You will be killing foes and collecting energy from them, each different kind of foe levels a different "skill", with skills like summoning that entity, passive bonuses or active skills such as draining and giving energy (you can both overload an entity to death or suck it dry). The possibilities are amazing, I can't believe I purchased this for $5. Every skill leveled adds a bit to your maximum energy which is your HP, so nothing is useless.

It felt more "sandboxy" than most MMOs around, which is why I loved it, doesn't feel too linear. You can do so many things with skills, progress on so many different ways, and the game gets harder over the time as you level up, I have yet to figure out how to defeat some foes but I've played just for a few hours and had a lot of fun.

Just leaving my recommendation here for a game I believe that deserves it.

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