If you need a Scroll or Recruit a Friend then send me a PM with your email or information that i need to send it to you and i will send you one within a couple of hours the same day. Thanks
Looking to invite someone on Recruit a Friend and level up as many characters as the other person is willing to. Willing to give a Brütal Legend key for Steam for free as the accounts are linked.
Add me on Skype to get started: w207312 is my Skype Name.
I'd be also willing to setup another reward at a certain point when we level-up a specific amount of characters together, which can be discussed. Be it in-game or perhaps something else. (I do have a spare Minecraft account I don't need, as well as a few other things I could spare.)
Also, if you absolutely refuse to use Skype, my side-email account is Williamweird@yahoo.com
If you want a more instant form of chat but don't want to use Skype, my league of legends summoner name is Sir wigginbottom. I'm usually on it at most times.
I'll reply instantly via Skype, but there might be a bit of delay on my email.
I can send either a Scroll of Resurrection or Recruit-a-Friend if you are new.
I have many characters on several servers, but my mains are on Horde Trollbane-US. If you're using a scroll, you don't have to join me, it's completely optional, you still get the free level up though If you want to use RaF, then I'll be happy to help if you want to join me. I'll help level with you (we get 300% expierience when leveling together), and impart any knowledge learned over the past 9+ years of playing
Right now is a good time for RaF, as you can buy the game for $5, and Mists of Pandaria for $10...that's everything for $15
If you aren't sure how it works or have any questions, feel free to PM me
Hey guys and gals, I am looking to recruit. If interested just send me an email with your email and any other information you would like to provide to christopher.mann1987@gmail.com. If you have any questions about my gaming schedule or anything else just let me know.
Hi all. Im just getting back into wow and bought mop a couple days ago. I think RaF still works within the first 30 days so if someone wanted to recruit me just send me a pm
Looking for someone to send me a scroll of resurrection. I'm looking for a PVP server that isn't dead, but doesn't have a 1,500 person queue during peak times. The last time I played was in March of 2011 and looking to start up. Picked up the latest expansion today. Free mount anyone???
If someone needs Recruit a Friend please send me a private with your email address and I will raf you! If you are on my server you get free gold(sent by me),triple exp, level granting, and more!
I'm on the Blackhand server USA! Looking for someone to do a RAF for me! I just bought a fancy laptop, the new battlechest plus MOP last week! I'm a Daily player!!! I really want to level up my level 16 Hunter.
if you are on the Blackhand Realm, please email me Retinafanipad@yahoo.com or PM me. Email is best I think though.
I am looking to recruit a friend. I play on the Wyrmrest Accord RP server and can provide you with gold/items all the way to max level. Send me a PM if you are interested in being recruited.
Looking for a RaF invitation? Send me a pm right here including your email and I will give it to you right away but that's not the only bonus. I have many chars which I can log in to help you level up with the 3x exp bonus. Can get you in a good guild on Blood-legion server and provide you gold
Looking for an NA res. Would like to check out the new content. Haven't played for over 2 years and am debating whether I want to buy the new expansion.
Please email to nanmarr2@gmail.com if you have an extra.
Need a scroll of resurrection, or refer a friend invite? pm me your info, will be glad to help.
Looking to invite someone on Recruit a Friend and level up as many characters as the other person is willing to. Willing to give a Brütal Legend key for Steam for free as the accounts are linked.
Add me on Skype to get started: w207312 is my Skype Name.
I'd be also willing to setup another reward at a certain point when we level-up a specific amount of characters together, which can be discussed. Be it in-game or perhaps something else. (I do have a spare Minecraft account I don't need, as well as a few other things I could spare.)
Also, if you absolutely refuse to use Skype, my side-email account is Williamweird@yahoo.com
If you want a more instant form of chat but don't want to use Skype, my league of legends summoner name is Sir wigginbottom. I'm usually on it at most times.
I'll reply instantly via Skype, but there might be a bit of delay on my email.
I can send either a Scroll of Resurrection or Recruit-a-Friend if you are new.
I have many characters on several servers, but my mains are on Horde Trollbane-US. If you're using a scroll, you don't have to join me, it's completely optional, you still get the free level up though If you want to use RaF, then I'll be happy to help if you want to join me. I'll help level with you (we get 300% expierience when leveling together), and impart any knowledge learned over the past 9+ years of playing
Right now is a good time for RaF, as you can buy the game for $5, and Mists of Pandaria for $10...that's everything for $15
If you aren't sure how it works or have any questions, feel free to PM me
Hey guys and gals, I am looking to recruit. If interested just send me an email with your email and any other information you would like to provide to christopher.mann1987@gmail.com. If you have any questions about my gaming schedule or anything else just let me know.
Please PM a invite of anyone has extra. Thank you! I have heroes and generals accounts for the beta 2 of them.
Looking to get back in game just picked up mop ... Please pm or email info on scroll....tonyfix101@gmail.com
us .... Est
I need a scroll please philips88account((AT))yahoo((DOT))com
sorry, forgot to mention US
I'm on the Blackhand server USA! Looking for someone to do a RAF for me! I just bought a fancy laptop, the new battlechest plus MOP last week! I'm a Daily player!!! I really want to level up my level 16 Hunter.
if you are on the Blackhand Realm, please email me Retinafanipad@yahoo.com or PM me. Email is best I think though.
Thank you for your RAF in advance!!
Hoping someone could be nice enough to email me 2 scrolls for me and my wife, both Doomhammer Europe.
Email me at mekon@nokem.co.uk.
Thank you
Looking for an NA res. Would like to check out the new content. Haven't played for over 2 years and am debating whether I want to buy the new expansion.
Please email to nanmarr2@gmail.com if you have an extra.
Looking for a NA Res scroll. Haven't played in a year. Kind of anxious for WoD. Send to travis_guillory@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance!