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Forking Games

maplestonemaplestone Member UncommonPosts: 3,099

Do you think there is any game out there that could benefit from being forked to into two games?

Imagine you take a game with a deeply divided community as it approaches an expansion.  Rather than trying to cater to both sides at once or maintain servers with a slightly tweaked ruleset, you set up two development teams, have each of them go off seperately to make an expansion focused on their "half" of the community: different map changes, different lore additions, different systems created, different rebalance decisions.  The game then makes a clean break - each new game has a copy of all the characters before the expansion upgrade so you get to choose which game, which universe, to continue in (or you subscribe to both games, presumably at a discount).

Ignore the economics of duplicating all the work and infrastructure for a moment.

What game would you fork? Along what faultline in the player community would you offer to split it?  In what direction would you send each of the two teams?


  • MuffinStumpMuffinStump Member UncommonPosts: 474

    Thought you were quoting Johnny Dangerously...

    At any rate I would like to immediately discount Star Wars Galaxies from being mentioned as it will doom your thread. DOOOOOOM

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