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Win loot with MAO!

Hey everyone, USERJOY is giving out great items! just come to our FB page on and click "Like"

Once we reach 1,500 likes, you can be playing MOA with your BRAND NEW 24” MONITOR!

...But that’s not all! Up for grabs are 4 shiny NEW iPOD NANO and 12 awesome MX518 Logitech gaming mouse!

If you win, we will contact you for contact details. So get your friends together and see how fast you can WIN!

The event is not limited to the US and is open to the globe, so come over to our FB!

Please Note:

1. Draw Winners will be contacted by facebook with attached event email address.

2. The winners will have 72 hours from the moment the message was sent out to return mail contain accurate contacting phone number, postal address and their beta account name.

3. Failure to return this information will forfeit their winnings.

4. If the Event could not be run by unforeseen circumstances, USERJOY reserves the right to amend, pause or terminate the event and provide no further compensation.

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