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KiknarseKiknarse Member Posts: 14

Someone, some company should really translate everything about UO and put it all into a real world, an open world 3D environment

So many lame mmo games now-a-days just throwing mine-able ores as rocks out in the open and then having mods/addons such as "WOW" to mark every spawn location = wha'ts the point of even going out to mine...might as well just BUY GOLD.

Hell give me that cheat code for GOD mode and while you're at it pass the crack pipe too.


  • comcicomcacomcicomca Member Posts: 46

    This thread reminded me Craft of Gods. It is supposed to be a 3D UO but it's servers are empty.

  • Kaelaan21Kaelaan21 Member UncommonPosts: 349

    The days of hard core, elitist game sessions where it forces you to sit for hours at a time, like it was a second job... are a dead and gone. I do like these games at times, but there is a reason why these games do not succeed. I would ....NEVER.... sit and chop trees for an hour or two again in a virtual game. Or mine, smelt, etc. when it takes more than 20 minutes of my time.


    Clicking a single button once every 5 seconds for 15 minutes strait while watching your back, knowing full well if you get ganked you start over from scratch - is not fun for the masses. It's not even a challenge. I think some Facebook games offer more challenge than that.


    For sandbox/simulations to succeed, they cannot be just simple clones of what we had in the past with a 3d engine and new textures slapped on. They need to solve the problems of why we had the time sinks in the first place and replace them with challenging activities that allow your character to grow.


    Very few "sandbox" games have stepped away from the old model though. One of the more obvious ones would be Eve. They forced the player to get out there and play by not allowing skill gains by doing repeditive tasks. (NOTE: not referring to the gameplay itself, just referring to the fact that they tried ways to remove the skill grind)


    Also, on a side note - UO had many, many, many external applications that were legitimate and even endorsed by Origins and subsequently EA. UOAssist, UOAutomap, etc.

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