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General: 2010 Awards: Game of the Year



  • ChampofHonorChampofHonor Member Posts: 5

    Just watched the GW2 Videos.................................Um......HOLY FREAKING CRAP. How did they build this I wonder........entire game affects based on what you do?? How the heck did they make that work. Wow......I'm actually excited about playing a game again.....its not out yet tho. :( Crap.

    Neither is Diablo 3.

    I'll bet GW2 wins the MMO for 2011 tho...if they get it out.

  • ThanosxpThanosxp Member UncommonPosts: 177

    Too much coffee hum?

  • ChampofHonorChampofHonor Member Posts: 5

    Just stating the facts.

    Just look at how much we players are being TOTALLY RIPPED OFF. Eve has 250,000 plus subscribers at $15E a month. Thats 45 MILLION dollars a year !!!!! You think they could bother to hire a measly ten college student programmers part time at $10 an hour 20 hours a week $2,000 a week total for a year = $104,000 total cost to fix the game bugs and make some playability in the game so its not a spreadsheet in space..... NOhhhhhh they wont. You know why?? Cause they dont give a SHIV about their players. Obviously 45 MILLION greedy reasons they dont care and couldnt be bothered to.

    Blizzard is even worse, they have like ten million or so $15 a month. Thats 1.8 BILLION dollars a year in revenue plus about 250 million in game sales, x-packs etc. You think they could offer some new content, listen to players, hire a few college level programmers or programmers from india even at like $2 an hour to fix the bugs or server lag or use a non-shard server, or offer decent PVE or Housing or AOE size sieging, or buildings, or businesses or advanced economy or other things we have been asking for for years??? NO. Unfreakingbelieveable.... We players have given Blizzard like ten BILLION and what have they given back??? more gouge and screw and more pennypinching and more ways to take our money, thats it. WHAT A JOKE. They havent even offered back a couple hundred grand worth of programming in 3 years!!!

    This is one of the main reasons I just cant go back to wow, what a freaking unethical bunch of tools. Greed is the word. Ungrateful, unserving, downright pathetic usury. Dammit I wish I could program, Id put these fools out of business.

  • ChampofHonorChampofHonor Member Posts: 5

    In my opinion none of these greedy freaks deserve any awards, nor kudos. SOMETHING has to be given back to deserve such. They had their awards year one and year two, for them to continue to get them WHEN THEY GIVE NOTHING WORTHY IN ADDITION, just take our money and run, IS more a crime than award-worthy.

    NO WINNER 2010. NO WINNER 2011 so far and its nearly 6 months in.

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