1. As previously said, the monotonous quest system. 99% of the quests are collect 10 of x, return to npc to get a new quest, then run to the SAME FRIGGIN' SPOT to collect 10 of a *different* x; rinse and repeat until you exhausted the quests of that little hub and then do the same thing at the next hub. The quests give loot upgrades. You can constantly upgrade your loot with these quests...but the rewards occur so often that you rarely get a chance to even appreciate the equipment you just got. it essentially goes like this...'you got a better staff of +1 more Int!'....10minutes later...'you got a better staff of +1 int!'. Whats the point? I hope someone isn't payed to solely design these. Quests in older games like EQ used to be less frequent, challenging but worth the rewards, and you'd generally be using that reward for some time to come.
2. Boring progression combat. Most of the soul abilities tend to overlap (played rogue/war/mage and consistently found this to be true), and you end up using the same few abilities for 30 levels. Yes...you get a few new abilities along the way..but most of them are just upgrades of a prior ability. Many of the game's abilities are useless as they are easily overlapped with any soul combo, or they have laughable abilities like 5% dmg debuff for 15 seconds, as an example. In a game where mana/hp regen's so easily, anything below 15-25% or so isn't worth your time.
I guess I understand the 'sheep' comment, as the game was designed like that. I think the game would be more fun if they gave more xp on the mobs and did less of the pointless quests, as well as having a more open world instead of essentially making all areas feel level-restricted.
All abilities is the same thing. I tried a Rogue, a War, and Cleric war...till lvl 20 they almost use the same skills (in the animation dpart)..u got one skill to pull..and others 10 to keep spaming while in combat.
IF Rift turn in to B2p..No doubt i would buy it....
But pay (month fee) for the same old content..with a new skin?? nahhh
I'm an avid WoW player. I play a Draenei Paladin and Goblin Rogue on a PvP server (ret and combat, mainly play BGs and arenas) and like it a lot. I got into Fileplanet.coms beta for RIFT and tried it out, as people say it has a Tabula Rasa-like spawning system. So I log in as a Cleric because it's like a paladin (first indicator there) and what do I get? Um, one would presume that the paladin is like the paladin, actually.
1. An extremely boring and simple questing system. What's the point? I have the same starting location for every race! Why can't my elf guy (cant remember the name) start in another place than the Draenei defiant knockoffs? Also the quests have no changes - theyre all kill x or collect y. This from a WoW enthusiast.
2. The zones are pretty, but they dont have the charm of WoW. WoW has a unique asthetic design, especially since Cataclysm changed everything. All i see here is boring grey and green shades. Some of us are less than fond of WoW's look. I for one never wanted to play a video game that looks like a Warner Brothers cartoon.
3. The combat. Exact copy of WoW in every respect. I will give props to the over-complicated class system that has a ton of combonations. I mean, 8 classes per "calling"? What the heck is that, we're not playing EVE or some other game. I just want to have fun.
Those of us who can actually think like flexibility within class systems. Since I'm that guy, you must be the other guy.
4. The community wasnt helpful at all, and no on really spoke to me. They all just run around like sheep grinding the rifts.
I've received tons of help myself. You didn't spend 30 minutes complaining about how the game was or wasn't like WoW and then ask for help did you?
5. No flying mounts. I mean...come on! I know i am low level, but why cant at least th ehigher levl players have flying mounts? They made travelling so much nicer in WoW.
Cry me a river. They make inter-dimensional portal travel and cyborg horses but you miss your pretty pegasus.
6. Dungeon system is straight from WoW. Don't get me wrong, I love the new dungeon system in WoW as I don't want to bother getting a group together, but this is just a complete clone, same with the battlegrounds.
7. Open PvP is pointless and the rifts are knockoffs of Warhammers PQ system. I didnt play Warhammer past the first two weeks and didnt even bother playing out my 3 month sub, but people said it was pointless towards level 40 and everyone just ganked keeps. Rift doesnt even have keeps!
Open PvP is for people who like PvP, period. Keeps would be nice, but honestly I like attacking other people because they're more challenging than PvE enemies.
8. The story is so generic. Some demon comes form some dimension and wants to tear Telara a new one. Wow, very original. Rip that off from Deathwing or Arthas much (though Arthas didnt come from anothe dimenson).
The story is generic yes, but the setting isn't. Randomly spawning dimensional rifts that occur at no set time or location is a fairly new idea for video games.
I see this game maybe getting a good number of intiial preorders from people burnt out of Cataclysm but after a few months I see games like TERA or The Old Republic doing much better because theyre more original (especially ToR's space exploration).
You do realize that SWTOR's space combat system is one of the things most of the people who are interested in the game are disappointed in, don't you? Apparently not. Oh and I have happily never played Cataclysm and never will, as I couldn't get motivated enough to play WoW past the free trial.
EDIT: I also play an undead warrior on the same server. I'll post armouries if anyone is interested in a duel!
Doesn't matter what WOW stole or borrowed from other games, WOW has been around for years now and after that many years of doing the "wow" thing a lot of people want something a bit different. RIFT is pretty much the WOW thing over again, just a new world and storyline, plus RIFTs. If it came out when WOW did it would have been awesome, but 2011? It's just more of the same that we get more and more tired of as every year and new expansion of the same ol same ol comes out in other games.
I'm an avid WoW player. I play a Draenei Paladin and Goblin Rogue on a PvP server (ret and combat, mainly play BGs and arenas) and like it a lot. I got into Fileplanet.coms beta for RIFT and tried it out, as people say it has a Tabula Rasa-like spawning system. So I log in as a Cleric because it's like a paladin (first indicator there) and what do I get?
1. An extremely boring and simple questing system. What's the point? I have the same starting location for every race! Why can't my elf guy (cant remember the name) start in another place than the Draenei defiant knockoffs? Also the quests have no changes - theyre all kill x or collect y.
There is no need for different starting zones, regarding story. On other hand, is that really important issue for game? Quests concepts are same as in many RPG's for decades ago (not to mention MMO's) and also same as in WoW. Saying that same concpet in Rift is boring while is WoW is what....? Extraordinary? Hilarious?
2. The zones are pretty, but they dont have the charm of WoW. WoW has a unique asthetic design, especially since Cataclysm changed everything. All i see here is boring grey and green shades.
I will not comment WoW graphics (other ppl did), but "unique" design. Type in Google "Un'goro crater" and dont be surpised when you get result "Un'goro goro crater" which really exists in Africa. As you can see even name in WoW is "unique". And when you look pics of real crater and WoW one you will be more suprised by "uniquess"
Hint: there is more "unique" zones like that one.
I am not saying that WoW design is bad, there is very nice zones with good overall feeling of zone, but "unique" is not word which i will use lightly in WoW contex.
3. The combat. Exact copy of WoW in every respect. I will give props to the over-complicated class system that has a ton of combonations. I mean, 8 classes per "calling"? What the heck is that, we're not playing EVE or some other game. I just want to have fun.
Thats why there is so many MMO's out there so you can choose which one you want to play for fun and which one for EVE feeling. Btw, combat is same as in games before WoW.
4. The community wasnt helpful at all, and no on really spoke to me. They all just run around like sheep grinding the rifts.
Thats depends about what you want to talk about. About WoW in Rift --> welcome to ignore. If you want to talk about WoW, there is WoW game, there is WoW forums. In Rift, iam talking about Rift game. Also this is Beta, so main motive for ppl is to explore as much as they can, not to chat. Just yesterday, about 5 times i asnwer to players how to add second action bar and didnt find that boring or frustating. Somebody need info or help and if iam avaiable and in mood, i will answer. If iam not, will not. And i dont expect different when i ask question in game. If you want to talk, why dont go to facebook then, instead in game?
5. No flying mounts. I mean...come on! I know i am low level, but why cant at least th ehigher levl players have flying mounts? They made travelling so much nicer in WoW.
Is that really point of MMO's? Having flying mounts (which WoW didnt have until BC)?
6. Dungeon system is straight from WoW. Don't get me wrong, I love the new dungeon system in WoW as I don't want to bother getting a group together, but this is just a complete clone, same with the battlegrounds.
Dont forget, there is no meeting stones
7. Open PvP is pointless and the rifts are knockoffs of Warhammers PQ system. I didnt play Warhammer past the first two weeks and didnt even bother playing out my 3 month sub, but people said it was pointless towards level 40 and everyone just ganked keeps. Rift doesnt even have keeps!
See no. 3 answer.
8. The story is so generic. Some demon comes form some dimension and wants to tear Telara a new one. Wow, very original. Rip that off from Deathwing or Arthas much (though Arthas didnt come from anothe dimenson).
Coming from WoW and saying that story is generic is like coming from Twillight saga and saying that Shaespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is shallow with lack of any fast action. No, iam not comparing Rift story with Shakespeare but there is nothing "deep" or "faboulous" with WoW story either. Btw. one race (Draenei) crash with their space ship and now they are helpless against bunch of savages armed with sticks and maces. How that fit in WoW lore?
Puting WoW as starting point for comparing it with anythig in way of story, gameplay, game mehanics, combat, etc. is showing huge lack of general knowledge about gaming industry. You didnt need to play UO or EQ, but there is no excuse about not being informed. Even WoW developers said (dated when WoW is launched) that they just "took best parts from other MMO games".
I see this game maybe getting a good number of intiial preorders from people burnt out of Cataclysm but after a few months I see games like TERA or The Old Republic doing much better because theyre more original (especially ToR's space exploration).
Iam not against WoW. I played it for 5 years since vanilla (long before flying mounts ) and there is things what i like and what i dont like about it. I will keep it for myself or post on WoW forum. Also, i start to play beta's of Rift and i find game interesting and fun, at least for me. My impressions i will post of Rift forums. But really, what is force which drove you to Rift forum and make post "Rift is WoW but its not"?
EDIT: I also play an undead warrior on the same server. I'll post armouries if anyone is interested in a duel!
I would like to throw in my 2 cents in here, amongst a pool that is definitely divided in many parts: the people that are for Rift, the ones that aren't, the ones who don't care, the ones that have recently played rift and really like it, the ones that have but don't, the ones that are biased in any way and so forth.
THE POINT BEING: Everyone's two cents are free, but who the hell cares? As a friend once told me, it is easier to try and change the weather than it is to try and change a person's own opinions. Many enthusiasts try at least to get others to see their point of view, but that is like asking a cat to see in color.
My question to the OP is this: I feel you are commenting on things in Rift that you do not like, but that you compare it to WoW, which is a poor example as both games are very similar. So the real question is: Is it because you play WoW as your main game for now and that Rift as only a quick try, that you are biased towards WoW?
The combat in WoW is very responsive and fluid and is hard to beat. The talents trees are very much for me, alot to be desired as they changed the way they work. But you are right, it is hard to get that WoW combat feeling, if that is what you are after. Even the original EQ doesn't have a responsive combat system like WoW's. Neither is EQ2, or Vanguard, Final Fantasy etc. Some people don't like the over simplicity mind you, but hey each to it's own.
From the way you speak about flying mounts, you must realise that this is one VERY big controversial issue as it has had as much an impact on WoW as arena has. In other words, the lack of open world PVP which you claim you prefer. Rift doesn't need flying mounts...for me, this kills the exploration of a game and immersion. VERY FEW games actually have a full-time flying mount travel system as WOW's. For me, it's a plague not a convenience.
it's funny you speak of the community, what server do you play on for WoW? Is it a RP Server? If you are trying to compare the two communities....one that is 6 years old and one that is in BETA, it is very hard. One is in trial stages and the other established. Maybe, just maybe Rift BETA testers are not here to communicate at this stage openly. I myself will agree that the WoW has a reputation of a community that can be less than desired. I'm sorry, but I have played on several servers, it is more the case of the competitive nature and content dynamics of WoW that I feel leaves the community to more prone to be in a situation of comparison and conflict rather than unity.
From the way that you have set out your post and the way that you have chosen to set out the tone of your post, makes me really ask whether or not, you have really played alot of WoW's endgame PVE content (esp the LFD content dynamics) and you tell me what is left of WoW's open world PVP? At least rifts happen, where is the fights of SS or the main capital city invasions, or the X-roads attacks gone?
You mention the lack of Rift lore, tell us about what you know about Deathwing? More people that play WoW know more about Arthas than Deathwing (simply because Arthas was always present in WOTLK through quests and lore)...Why create two X-PACS just to let out the main bad dude, why you think was Deathwing in hiding all this time?
AS you have quoted: "I see this game maybe getting a good number of intiial preorders from people burnt out of Cataclysm but after a few months I see games like TERA or The Old Republic doing much better because theyre more original (especially ToR's space exploration)." One man's junk is another man's treasure. The real question is what is your treasure?
back away from the dead horse, and drop the stick.
But horseburgers are part of a balanced troll diet!
All abilities is the same thing. I tried a Rogue, a War, and Cleric war...till lvl 20 they almost use the same skills (in the animation dpart)..u got one skill to pull..and others 10 to keep spaming while in combat.
IF Rift turn in to B2p..No doubt i would buy it....
But pay (month fee) for the same old content..with a new skin?? nahhh
Doesn't matter what WOW stole or borrowed from other games, WOW has been around for years now and after that many years of doing the "wow" thing a lot of people want something a bit different. RIFT is pretty much the WOW thing over again, just a new world and storyline, plus RIFTs. If it came out when WOW did it would have been awesome, but 2011? It's just more of the same that we get more and more tired of as every year and new expansion of the same ol same ol comes out in other games.
I would like to throw in my 2 cents in here, amongst a pool that is definitely divided in many parts: the people that are for Rift, the ones that aren't, the ones who don't care, the ones that have recently played rift and really like it, the ones that have but don't, the ones that are biased in any way and so forth.
THE POINT BEING: Everyone's two cents are free, but who the hell cares? As a friend once told me, it is easier to try and change the weather than it is to try and change a person's own opinions. Many enthusiasts try at least to get others to see their point of view, but that is like asking a cat to see in color.
My question to the OP is this: I feel you are commenting on things in Rift that you do not like, but that you compare it to WoW, which is a poor example as both games are very similar. So the real question is: Is it because you play WoW as your main game for now and that Rift as only a quick try, that you are biased towards WoW?
The combat in WoW is very responsive and fluid and is hard to beat. The talents trees are very much for me, alot to be desired as they changed the way they work. But you are right, it is hard to get that WoW combat feeling, if that is what you are after. Even the original EQ doesn't have a responsive combat system like WoW's. Neither is EQ2, or Vanguard, Final Fantasy etc. Some people don't like the over simplicity mind you, but hey each to it's own.
From the way you speak about flying mounts, you must realise that this is one VERY big controversial issue as it has had as much an impact on WoW as arena has. In other words, the lack of open world PVP which you claim you prefer. Rift doesn't need flying mounts...for me, this kills the exploration of a game and immersion. VERY FEW games actually have a full-time flying mount travel system as WOW's. For me, it's a plague not a convenience.
it's funny you speak of the community, what server do you play on for WoW? Is it a RP Server? If you are trying to compare the two communities....one that is 6 years old and one that is in BETA, it is very hard. One is in trial stages and the other established. Maybe, just maybe Rift BETA testers are not here to communicate at this stage openly. I myself will agree that the WoW has a reputation of a community that can be less than desired. I'm sorry, but I have played on several servers, it is more the case of the competitive nature and content dynamics of WoW that I feel leaves the community to more prone to be in a situation of comparison and conflict rather than unity.
From the way that you have set out your post and the way that you have chosen to set out the tone of your post, makes me really ask whether or not, you have really played alot of WoW's endgame PVE content (esp the LFD content dynamics) and you tell me what is left of WoW's open world PVP? At least rifts happen, where is the fights of SS or the main capital city invasions, or the X-roads attacks gone?
You mention the lack of Rift lore, tell us about what you know about Deathwing? More people that play WoW know more about Arthas than Deathwing (simply because Arthas was always present in WOTLK through quests and lore)...Why create two X-PACS just to let out the main bad dude, why you think was Deathwing in hiding all this time?
AS you have quoted: "I see this game maybe getting a good number of intiial preorders from people burnt out of Cataclysm but after a few months I see games like TERA or The Old Republic doing much better because theyre more original (especially ToR's space exploration)." One man's junk is another man's treasure. The real question is what is your treasure?