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So for your local earthrise news.
Day 2 of my playing earthrise.
I was having a good time with my buddy shooting mobs to try and collect some items. Lag was around 800MS but honestly we were having a good time. Then we wanted to go and do something else so we went back to base so i could drop some stuff off at the bank. (I will give them a + they give you a huge ass bank) Well I got an inventory glitch trying to move stuff from my character to the bank (Hrmm maybe if they had tested banks instead of putting them in at launch). So i relogged.
Oh wait.. Server is at population limited. *BOOT*.
Wait surely they have a login queue right? *Tries to log back in* *BOOT TO ASS*
Nope... *sigh*
This folks goes back to my statement that we are missing some very key critical features from this MMO and it was surely not launch ready.
Reason why bank is so big is due to crafting, wait till you start it the amount of mats you get is staggering lol, but hey at least they admited they know what the cause of the fps issue is, that is a step in the right direction.
keep trying i thinks it s bug witht he dysync fix or the area your in
You should've known about the connection issues.. its posted everywhere.. You'll get no sympathy from me!
Currently Playing:
Rift + Starcraft II + Gears Of War 3 Beta
Oh look, another indie developed sandbox promising the sun moon and stars only to have a broken game at launch day.
Guys? How can you find this acceptable? Paying money for a broken game in the hopes they might fix it is ludicrious. While I had hopes for this game, I will not waste money funding developers who cannot deliver a FUNCTIONAL game at launch. Doesn't have to be polished, but functional and somewhat stable is generally something software should come packed with.
Thanks OP for keeping up in the know
Damn but i could see this happening made a post on the beta boards with my concerns,seems i was bang on give this 3 months if it's still in the same state then it's a lost cause,there are not many MO's that launch with out some problems.But Earthrise seems to be confounded with the rushed launch and migration to live servers not a good combination in my book .