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Until you find out it has a server reset, and it cost 14 bucks a month.
Now I could get 5-8 bucks worth of fun out of the game a month.. but never 14. Considering most other MMOs charge this amount range (14 bucks).. "Well just because others charge that much doesn't mean this one isn't worth it".. Yea it does.. calm down
What gets me is not the graphics.. i can deal with the graphics.. What gets me is the game wasn't finished.. Well you might say.. just because the game resets doesn't mean it isn't finished. ok, name one other MMO charging 14 bucks a month that resets every 7 months to a year or so..Yea.."well that doesn't make it unfinished".. ok.. I guess you can argue that the devs meant for it to reset. Then they consider it finished.. but you have to really be a fanboy to think reseting is an option when that much time was spent on building a characters skills. To grow and erase!!
Where is the 14 bucks going? How many people play this game.. it feels dead.. Granted it is HUGE.. but dead.. Why not make it to where people can grow and build up to modern day livings.. regions grow faster due to communities. and let others grow at their own pace.. I would pay 20 bucks a month if it had added content to continue growth instead of resets..
My hat goes off to the people who built it.. Awesome game.. Until..
Doesn't the game have a goal where the whole player base tries to work towards, then after it's reached, it resets?
I'm pretty sure this has been the way it's worked since the first ATitD.
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I can only imagine that to be the case.. The salesman in me just can't believe that much money is going their way.. There are so many MMOs in that price range.. and they don't delete your character. Maybe the goal is to delete.. maybe I'm just to tied to the time and effort in growing my avatar.. that it matters to me if it goes *poof!!
Yeah, you did miss the games objective.
The Pharao is the DEV. The players goal is to become rich and politically powerful. A lot of this happens in realtime, means there are no visible game mechanics for it. It is possible to change and create laws.
However, once a player dethroned the Pharao, there is only one option. To reset the server.
Yeap. I don't think the OP gets the point of ATITD. It definitely deviates from the Epic Tale of Hoarding Purples path of most MMOs.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Yea, it is such a difficult concept to grasp. You know.. no end game planed for the game.. so reset and start over. so hard to understand.. maybe you can right a guide to understanding why a server reset is anything but poor vision. Ohh and why a MMO in this day and age would charge 14 bucks a month to have your time sink wiped.. yea.. makes total sense.
It seems, to you, that the value of the MMO is the points applied to your character. If that's what you want from an MMO, ATITD is not for you. That's fine. Not everyone wants the same thing froma game. ATITD is about community, world-building and crafting an empire from the ground up, including the laws that govern how that happens. ATITD's design - server wipe when someone becomes Pharoah - is an effective design (not the only one, but asn effective one) to counter the common MMO problem of a static game world. Not only does it allow for growth, but it does so in a way that doesn't make old content obsolete. It also allows newcomers to the game to have a chance now and then to get in on the ground floor which, in turn, makes it easier for them to compete fotherwise veteran roles of leader, figurehead or even Pharoah.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
The point of that game...provided it hasn't changed since the first telling.
Is to have a mass of people working together to get one person...thats right one person, to achieve all 7 tasks set by the stranger (i think thats his/her name)
Those 7 tasks are outlined as architect, religion, so on and so forth. It's basically that window that pops up that shows you tasks you have to complete. Build a house, build a puzzle and have 3 people rate it X or higher. or somthing like that.
Anyway. The task that was set upon egypt by this person was to see if egypt could work together to make one person perfect (beat all 7 tasks), they were given a time frame to do this in.
If one person succeeds then egypt rejoices and good times had by all. IF they fail the sever resets, although this also happens if someone is successful.
Each telling is like a reincarnation of the game (to make it persistant). The idea is to see if you can beat the strangers tasks.
It's a good concept but beat a task and having a definate end goal that you can actually achieve doesn't lend well to a persistant world.
One thing that is good about the reseting is if your on the ground floor (there when it resets) then you get the chance to build things and no have to worry about having to make a 500 foot tall obelisk to beat that guy that made a 499 foot one last year.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I just gave this game a try and I concur with the original post that this is a great crafting game. And there are a number of other aspects that I think are pretty cool as well.
1. I think the idea of players passing petitions around for the implementation of new features and laws is great!
2. Peer Review - It sounds weird in a game, but the idea that the your advancement in Trials is based on other players casting votes to say whether or not what you built is cool or not is actually kind of interesting.
As far as the reset goes, I can see both sides of this - though it looked like the client allows you to log into either Tale V or Tale IV so perhaps they've decided to allow previous versions to persist making this a non-issue?
I can see how you wouldn't want to give up a well established character that you've spent a lot of time on.
On the other hand, periodically resetting everyone to zero has appeal as well. Especially in a game where Real Estate has value. It keeps players and guilds from building empires that dominate resources and the best locations (reducing the fun for everyone else).
But is it worth $14 a month? If crafting and communiy cooperation is your thing, then probably - yes.
The idea of it is interesting, yes. Unfortunately, it totally relies on the lead developer's willingness to put in the work to implement things, and his attentions these days only come in occasional short spurts. While I was playing, we couldn't really expect a law ballot to happen more than once every couple of months, and only one law could possibly be passed in each ballot.
That's the leftovers from an experiment to run two separate servers. The idea seemed to be that since the beginning of a telling brought in the most new players, having beginnings of tellings more often would be beneficial. Unfortunately, the second server never really achieved a big enough population to make it viable. It's still there as far as I know, but I would be surprised if even a dozen people still played on it regularly.
That's the interesting thing... when it comes down to it, the "social credit" you build is more important than anything tied to your avatar. Yes, it's a little painful watching all your work for the last year or two get flushed, but next telling you still have the social connections you made before, which have real beneficial (or detrimental) effects in the game.