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I got this error:
" We're Sorry. Unfortunately, your payment provider has indicated
that your payment source may not be used for this type of purchase.
Please contact your provider to resolve this issue or reattempt
your purchase with a different method of payment. (Error: PT-606)"
I have a Credit Card (visa not debit card)
I did contacted my bank 5 times and spoke with 7 different people.
My card is perfectly ok. and last night i did purchase the game
from direct2drive.
All the reprisentatives told me that no sony or any other company
tried to make a transcation (not even a 0 amount) after my purchase
of the game with paypal from direct2drive. and i tried several
times. all my infos on the card was completely correct.
seems that sony's system have some problem and didnt even make a
real attempt to contact my bank. Maybe they try to force me to
subscribe with a prepaid card to ensure one extra month? i dunno.
One more problem i have and i suspect that might be part of the
problem is that i made this account almost automaticaly for
everquest2 extended. back then the system didnt ask me for anything
else besides username and password (not even confirmation email
lol) and now i just noticed that the system puted me as US resident
with dolar currency wich is false and the worst part of it is that
i cannot change it. -can anyone confirm that that issue is not
related with my visa problem? -
Does anyone else got similar problem and if yes do they have found
a solution? or maybe anything else i can try?
buying a prepaid card isnt an option since i cant found any placeto buy it were i live. (greece)
Time to contact Sony's customer service.
you need to contact your credit card company.. more than likely there have been transactions attempted that have flagged their fraud detection.. and probably.. a block is in place.. .. funnily enough.. i had this happen to me when i subbed to Aion.. for the first time.. (and last!) ....
If you purchase from direct2drive via Paypal, Sony isn't involved.
Contact Paypal.
i did contacted my credid card bank and they told me that noone after the direct2drive purchase with paypal has attempted to do a transcation. i putted the correct info at sony site as well.. btw i did even tried to do the whole thing with IE and Firefox as well..
Now im waiting for the sony customer support reply...
well thats a hell of a good start for a game
ok the problem solved.. everything gone wrong cause my account had selected country USA while im Greek...
Ofc here i have to add that i didnt chose US but it was automaticaly added as so when i made a free account for everquest 2 extended 2 months ago..they have only asked me username and password (not even a confirmation email).well support did acted fast less than 8 hours ( :P ) and they changed my country and everything working fine,,i have downloaded the game..started it and found out that has the best physics and movement i have ever experienced in an mmo plus i had 250 avrg fps while on others mmo's get roughly 50 with an ati 6950 and i7 2600k..anyways...the game seem very nice but where is everybody? i think i have seen 2 maybe 3 is empty...any idea what is the best server to make a char?
Any server is fine. SOE is doing a server meld in the near future, where players will connect to a central server based on their area and system (four servers: PCEU, PCNA, PS3EU, PS3NA), and be distributed based on pvp preference. This will also allow you to instance with players from your set of servers.
So your choice of server now is kinda moot, except in regards to if you'll prefer PvE or PvP style servers.
there were 4 servers in total 2 pve and 2 pvp all with low population the whole day... that means that they have kinda merge all the pvp servers to 2 big ones and same thing for pve servers?
If you're looking for people go to D&G in the US for PvP and Vice and Virtue for PvE.
Megaservers are going to be great (merging all US PC into 1 and all US PS3 into 1) but they won't even be done testing it until 1st or 2nd week of June.
My guess is you'll see the final mergers right before everyone's free time expires.
edit: Also they're doing the same thing with the EU servers. So you'll have 1 EU PC server and 1 EU PS3 server. If your character was originally created on a PvP server you will be allowed to go into the PvP instance of Metropolis / Gotham but not the PvE instance and vice versa.
Guys i think that superservers u r mention are already in game. cause as i said there are only 4 to chose from.
"Looking for Trouble" and "Bloodstorm" is the PVP and "Reality lost" and "in brighter day" is the PVE ones.
Ofc im speaking for European ones.. btw that super servers involve only the european servers or are global ?
No. They are most definately NOT in the game yet.
There will be ONE EU server for PC players.
All those servers you mentioned will be combined when the Superservers launch.
so they have merged the 30 servers that they had at start just before they will do the final emerge to the super servers?... hmm... that doesnt sound so promising for the game population wise..