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i havent played an mmo in awhile just cuz theres nothing really catching my eye. im a huge FF fan and love the console games but have never tried XI or XIV. which is better tho XI or XIV. i love pvp dont care for leveling, endgame is ok but dont matter much. thinking about trying this but how is the player base?
well theres no or very little pvp in either titles.
and FF14 sucks i wouldnt try it. not for another couple of months anyway.
I havent played much of 11 but i heard if you stick with it its a really good game, i myself couldnt get past the aging visuals
You won't find PvP in either game (for now). I liked FFXI much better despite the inferior graphics.
meh well that sucks then. im huge on pvp. any recommendations? i have an older laptop atm and cant play much in the way of new graphics but games like wow, atlantica, guildwars play fine. just looking for something to play with good pvp til GW2
There is PVP in ffxi. It's quite awful, this isn't a game to jump into if you are looking for PVP. The game itself however is without a doubt, the best when it comes to story and gear options.
FFXIV doesn't suck....anymore. It was trash at the start, it's not bad at all now actually. With the future updates it'll definitly be one of the best MMO's out.
As per your criteria I cant say there is much on the market in terms of MMO's that meet your requests. I hope by "I dont care for leveling" you meant that you dont care to solo quest grind. Each mmo has some form of progression to the level cap and most (if not all) require you to be closest to cap to be effective. Guild Wars was one of the few games that allowed more "options" but other than that id say WAR or Lineage II is your best bet.
On the contrary of what is said on these boards by haters of long past, ive recently subbed to WAR and was quite pleased at the balance and bug fixes and how well they have been done (most say that it was too much too late, but w/e) and Tier 2-4 Keep RvR has been so perfected and balanced (whether your the minority or not) that keeps everyone doing world PvP. The only unjust thing i can find with WAR is that i wish they opened up at least Tier 2 for F2P because Tier 1 doesnt do the game justice. The other problem is Tier 2, the population can be difficult to muster if your order (which i recommend playing) and a lot of the time its a little one sided but if you can find a progressiong guild (its a guild that rolls tier 2 alts to help new players get to Tier 3) and Tier 4 is the land of milk and honey, world pvp at all all times, always world pvp and 5 minute scenario pops.
As for lineage 2 , if you just meant you hated soloing then this game is just the one for you. As far as pvp goes its a end game affair but reaching endgame 75-80+ isnt as quite as hard as it used to be. Upon the release of goddess of destruction (the newest expansion) the game will see even more simplified leveling, an updated combat and graphics engine, a class consolidation to balance PvP ( the game had a bajillion classes and some played slightly similar to the other so those classes will merge into a heroic class for the new level cap to reduce the difficulty of PVP balance) and lineage 2 boasts one of the best politcal PvP you well ever find in the current market. Keep in mind it takes some patience to level and the game isnt much about questing at all, its heavily based around grouping. If this seems like your cup of tea i would wait until the F2P servers go up since Lineage 2 is going F2P in the next coming months.
As far as how well your computer will run this games is dependant on your specs, while WAR settings can be turned down, world pvp can get hectic and at time you will find 100+ players on your screen will slow your frames quite a bit. However, lineage 2 is quite dated but aged quite nicely and with the revamps coming the game should run on any computer released in the past decade TBH.
If neither of these seem like your cup of tea, mmos may be the wrong place to look (at least until GW2 comes out). Trying out the MOBA genre may really be all you need to do. I recommend League of Legends over its rival ; Heroes of Newerth because its easy to get into and is fun for new players AND vets. Both have a small learning curve and are easy to learn but take years to master.