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MoarWin - US Hardcore PvP Empire - Premade Rollfests - Mumble VOIP Open Now!

MoarWin – Hardcore PvP - Empire - USEast


Recruitment has just started. All classes are currently welcome.


If this looks like your kind of guild, Join our Mumble now, chat with others about the game, skip the application wait and level with us on launch!


port: 36038


Who are we?

MoarWin is the name of our SWTOR guild. It is founded by a group of gamers that have been playing at the very top of competitive FPS and MMO guilds for the last decade. Our members have been part of the prestigious Digital Resuscitation BF42 guild, Ebonlore MMO guild, various EQ2 and SWG high-end guilds that we both founded and joined; but amidst all of our history, our core players principles and tastes have always been the same: to dominate, to be at the very top of the server in regards to our PvP organization and abilities, as well as to be at the top end in content, raids, loot, etc. 

Our goals:

- We will be doing in this game as we do in all other MMO launches: rush to max level, setup our dual specs (one for PvP and one for PvE), and we will begin our premade PvP groups as well as our Raid groups to complete content.

What we look forward to:

- Being the first to be running max level PvP premades, dominating world PvP with our raid, and running endgame content/loot

- The comedy that comes with being at the top.

- We use mumble as our VOIP app, you must have it configured and ready to use for the interview (which will be short and lenient considering this is early / launch / leveling time)


A screenshot of our mumble server that just went up minutes ago, join us and level in specific channels with your class members, or join one of our PvE channels while you level:


What we are looking for :

- Prestigious players who are self-sufficient, resourceful, and knowledgeable; we are looking for officer candidates for both PvP, PvE, combat classes, and crafting!

- Players who are interested in helping the guild move forward through raiding, helping your guildmates out in general and by any other means. Group effort is the key to domination.

- The title is as it says: MoarWin!


- Age: 18+

- There is no timezone requirement, although the majority of our members live in the U.S., there are players of other timezones, in Europe and Australia.

- You must be willing to prioritize org raids/war/events over personal farming. If you'd rather farm alone etc. with a friend than helping out with org raids then this is not the org for you.

- Any level player can join but we require you to have a fairly recognizable Empire main, you must be known and respected for your talents as a PvP’er.

- You must speak "decent" english. It doesn't have to be perfect, but we need to be able to understand you.

- You must be willing to communicate with us outside of the game, on our forums, if requested to check them for guild information, events, etc.

Being a team player is number one! We promise you that no player will ever be bigger than the guild

If you're thinking what we're thinking, visit our guild site (, register on the forums, and see the Join Us section for the application sticky.

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