I really want to play this game too. I would still like an invite. I've posted before but I have yet to recieve an invite. Please don't forget about me. my email is nanukn@live.com
I really want to play this game too. I would still like an invite. I've posted before but I have yet to recieve an invite. Please don't forget about me. my email is nanukn@live.com
Hello, I've been waiting for a key for what seems like forever with no luck ):. If somebody can send one to [Key Recieved] that would be super. I will come back and share my invites within this thread as a pay it forward thank you (:.
I'm looking for an invite as well. It seems like I've been waiting forever and Glitch looks so cool. I would very much appreciate it if someone could send me an invite at tranrebel@hotmail.com
I'll gladly come back and repay the favor by sending a few invites someone's way.
Xirik requesting safe passage to the lands of Glitch.
"You have some serious mental issues you may need to seek some help for. There are others who post things, but do not post them in the way you do. Out of every person who posts crazy shit in this forum, you have some of the craziest and scariest" -FarReach
I really want to play this game too. I would still like an invite. I've posted before but I have yet to recieve an invite. Please don't forget about me. my email is nanukn@live.com
Thanks in advance
Sent enjoy
"Look at me when I'm hitting you!"
I would LOVE an invite. Currently deployed with the Navy, and it seems like something I could play on my crappy laptop.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!
what is your email?
I would like to ask for an invitation as well.
If someone can, please send it to 4517143@gmail.com
I know it's weird address - it's my spam mailbox. Any address posted on forums will most likely get picked by spam bots
Thank you, much appreciated
Hello, I've been waiting for a key for what seems like forever with no luck ):. If somebody can send one to [Key Recieved] that would be super. I will come back and share my invites within this thread as a pay it forward thank you (:.
The e-mail didn't come through. My email's rolle83@gmail.com
Got mine (: Will be sending all but one of my keys to those who need.
If anyone still has invites, I'd appreciate it if you could send one my way.
I can't seem to figure out how to invite people, would anybody know? If I can figure it out- invite coming your way!
You can send invites through your account's home page.
I would very much appreciate receiving a Glitch invite and pledge to bring my own invites to this thread.
Thank you for your consideration! Edited to include email: achrist AT wi.rr DOT com
I'd very much appreciate a beta invite if someone could please send me one.
My email is: Raddalton@gmail.com
I'm looking for an invite as well. It seems like I've been waiting forever and Glitch looks so cool. I would very much appreciate it if someone could send me an invite at tranrebel@hotmail.com
I'll gladly come back and repay the favor by sending a few invites someone's way.
Xirik requesting safe passage to the lands of Glitch.
"You have some serious mental issues you may need to seek some help for. There are others who post things, but do not post them in the way you do. Out of every person who posts crazy shit in this forum, you have some of the craziest and scariest" -FarReach
Glitch looks great, Id love an invite: nateslo@yahoo.com
i would love an invite
please send it to slobro70@hotmail.com
Please send me an invite too. I would really appreciate it.
I would absolutely love an invite to try this game :-P and will pass the love on if I get in.
I would be delighted to get an invite to this game, although I have a feeling that invites aren't availible right now... well it's worth a try!
pretty please, send me a beta invite.
love you
Been looking for an invitation. Pm or send to publicadvert@hotmail.com
When I receive one I will post here if the key has been received as not to duplicate. Thanks much.