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Seeking interested and creative partner for ffxiv blog. . .

Hi guys and girls,


I'm hopeful someone on these forums will see this and be interested.  I'm seeking a gamer who is willing to spent up to 50 hours per month playing Final Fantasy XIV.  I live in the southern hemisphere, specifically in Australia, and I would want someone able to work around GMT+10 timezone hours.


I will be scripting some of the in-game character stuff, hopefully I would like to find someone who enjoys playing RPG style in their preferred gaming world (LoTRO players especially welcome - hi main and fudoh.)  So some of your in-game actions will require acting, with or without voice, your choice, but definitely with typed English text.


It's a purely voluntary project, and while I am happy to fund anyone's account, please remember that I'm doing this for no $$ myself and would very much appreciate anyone who can afford their own account.  Since I'm after a specific character name I will gladly make up for anyone's costs for an extra character slot, either way.


The characters are that of myself (a highlander) an heir to a royal lineage, and my guardian (who is a Miquo'te).  The character's roles are to destabalise the current seat of the monarchy in order to bring about an uprising, and eventually to take throne in his father's name.  But never fear, there will be dozens of tales to tell throughout the lands of Eorzea.  Beasts to fell, herbs to discover, friends and foes not yet known, any many other adventures.


Well, you get the picture.  Post me an IM, or reply to this thread if you're interested.  I'll pass you my email address details and we can discuss matters further from there.


Looking foward to getting my teeth into this one, it should be fun.




  • BrodterBrodter Member Posts: 73

    Aww man, I wish I was playing FF14.  I would of loved to partner with you.  Good luck on your search.


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