Aerowyn a good amount of people felt the same way. Hit lvl 20 though and do dungeon 1 or a bam, or better yet pvp. If you have 30 hours in the game already and haven't hit lvl 20+ that is pretty sad. I know you want to test all the classes I'm guessing, but in any game no class is really ready to shine until end game. That is what the current trend in the mmo industry currently is. I know it sucks and I'm not trolling or belittling you in the least. Just hit lvl 20 glyph and try what I've recommended. The game really starts to shine then.
i have every class at least 10+ which is why I have no 20+.. my question is besides BAMs and the one dungeon what else is there to do post 20 that makes the game so great? i haven't seen anything that shows much going for it.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
The only real problem I have with this game is the lack of class custimization. I haven't read much about the different classes but it doesn't seem like there is much variety between each individual class. For example: every mystic is the same.
I understand this would probably be easier to balance pvp, but I like a little variety.
The only real problem I have with this game is the lack of class custimization. I haven't read much about the different classes but it doesn't seem like there is much variety between each individual class. For example: every mystic is the same.
I understand this would probably be easier to balance pvp, but I like a little variety.
You've got the crystal and glyph system, at end game youll have 12 crystals you can customize and glyphs start at level 20 and you get points to add more until max.
The only real problem I have with this game is the lack of class custimization. I haven't read much about the different classes but it doesn't seem like there is much variety between each individual class. For example: every mystic is the same.
I understand this would probably be easier to balance pvp, but I like a little variety.
You've got the crystal and glyph system, at end game youll have 12 crystals you can customize and glyphs start at level 20 and you get points to add more until max.
People reading on the boards, simply following the game, wouldn't know what the glyph system entails.
Here it is, the glyph calculator. So you can tailor your character's skills to your liking.
I like the combat in this game, unfortunately the classes just arent really boosting my interest. Each to their own though. The game is certainly beautiful, I am just not getting the same excitement about it that I have regarding Vanguard or GW2 with the classes.
But ... I have feeling its going to be simply slashed by GW2
Real wrong timing for this game....
What's the release dates for both games? I thought TERA was going to launch "soon" but GW2 seems a bit later release or nay? All we know GW2 might get pushed back once or twice if they discover something unexpected and critical at the bigger betas.
Then again, what's keeping you from playing even if GW2 is released one or two months later, it's not a waste of money if you're enjoying your self that time right?
I'll bet that this will be a blib on the raidar. With TOR still pretty new and GW2 coming right after it I don't see this game making a huge splash.
Most people have not been staying with TOR lol...I think that's been pretty evident. GW2 I don't expect to release any earlier than 2-3 months after TERA, even rifts population is increasing atm.
Rift best graphics ? That's got to be the joke of the day, even EQ2 looks better and it's close to 7 years old now.
If you compare Rift's graphics with EQ2, then i cant say anything else...I guess you are blind....
Medium Settings Btw
If you say that then you've never had EQ2 running on max settings. Even the armor detail is mindblowing. So I'm with the guy you responded to. I've played RIFT and EQ2 both and RIFT fails in the graphics department for my taste. Graphics and art design are somewhat a matter of taste and preference, however, so I'll give you that. Oh...and RIFT does landscapes better than living beings in the world....just my opinion. I hated the animation for characters. (Not that EQ2 character animation is better, it's not, but the armor detail and fine details in the environment....moving grasses and flowers....and spell animations are all better than RIFT imo.)
Rift has the best graphics out there in an MMO, EQ2 doesn't even compare to it. It's funny how so many rift haters have never even played the game and their ignorance shows. The shadows are amazing, especially in the one gorge zone.
Rift has the best graphics out there in an MMO, EQ2 doesn't even compare to it. It's funny how so many rift haters have never even played the game and their ignorance shows. The shadows are amazing, especially in the one gorge zone.
I've played RIFT and I disagree with you. So sue me.
Whatever your artstyle preferences, technically RIFT is no slouch in the graphics department. Certainly in the top 10 I would say.
Art style preferences are a funny thing....they are as varied as the people that hold them. Saying RIFT is in the top 10....I might agree with that. Saying it's number 1 absolutely.....not to me. But whatever.
ON Topic:
I have been curious about TERA, but I have also struggled with the feeling it might be grindy. When it's released, if it's not a grindfest, I will probably buy it like I do most other MMOs. I wouldn't want to miss anything that might be good.
I'll bet that this will be a blib on the raidar. With TOR still pretty new and GW2 coming right after it I don't see this game making a huge splash.
Most people have not been staying with TOR lol...I think that's been pretty evident. GW2 I don't expect to release any earlier than 2-3 months after TERA, even rifts population is increasing atm.
- TOR EU/NA server statuses...
RIFT and TOR are losing/gaining subs at a faily consistant rate.
Still playing beta, and still not really impressed with the game.
First, the combat. I really don't see how it's exciting. Granted, it's not your standard tab-target affair, but that still doesn't make it a good combat system. It still doesn't feel fluid or fun to me. And I feel no accomplishment whatsoever on constantly successfuly dodging or blocking a mob. And without much context to speak of, it all starts to feel too repetitive after a while.
Visuals overall look good, but personally I'm not digging the models and the animation. As for environment, though pretty, in part it feels a bit too sterile, a bit too plastic-y for me, and is really lacking in ground foliage (something SWTOR, of all games, got right). Though I must say I've seen some really beautiful zones / hubs.
On Rift vs EQ2: I'm playing both at the moment, and frankly in EQ2 environments look really weak. I don't even see how it's subjective. Yes, the armour texture is fine, but the landscape is so lacking in detail that it feels like cardboard in most places. I wouldn't say Rift has the best graphics either (the models' faces look awful and again a bit too bland in some environments), but it's as if there's a whole generation between them, like AO and SWG.
The only real problem I have with this game is the lack of class custimization. I haven't read much about the different classes but it doesn't seem like there is much variety between each individual class. For example: every mystic is the same.
I understand this would probably be easier to balance pvp, but I like a little variety.
You've got the crystal and glyph system, at end game youll have 12 crystals you can customize and glyphs start at level 20 and you get points to add more until max.
People reading on the boards, simply following the game, wouldn't know what the glyph system entails.
Here it is, the glyph calculator. So you can tailor your character's skills to your liking.
so glyphs don't actually give any abilities that just boost current ones? ugh this is one of the things I hated about TOR the most so few actual abilities in the trees you got only like 1 or 2 and the rest was increase 5% this and that.. looks like here you don't get any actual abilities...
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
It has probably best graphic in MMOs to date - in some areas even better than GW2.
It follows traditional MMO quest system reminiscent of EQ1
It has ruthless PVP with political system
But ... I have feeling its going to be simply slashed by GW2
I for example really love it. But I am not even considering buyin it.
I mean why to buy the game and pay sub. If GW2 is offering pretty much the same for price of the box.
Real wrong timing for this game....
What do you think ?
I feel the same way of it being 'simply slashed by GW2'. Though I feel GW2 will offer far more than Tera could ever offer in terms of greater amount of and far different content out of the box. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new in the genre. They are good for those who havent played mmorpgs much, but seem very lacking to those who played millions in the past.
Tera will still get its niche among the traditional mmorpg players for sure, but it just won't be as big as some of the other potentially huge releases such as GW2 and TSW.
I feel the same way of it being 'simply slashed by GW2'. Though I feel GW2 will offer far more than Tera could ever offer in terms of greater amount of and far different content out of the box. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new in the genre. They are good for those who havent played mmorpgs much, but seem very lacking to those who played millions in the past.
Tera will still get its niche among the traditional mmorpg players for sure, but it just won't be as big as some of the other potentially huge releases such as GW2 and TSW.
See i have problem with that line, the exact same thing can be said about GW2 yet no one every says that. Seige? Done before, WvWvW? Done before and Tera getting it too, arena? Well every other mmorpg has it. So the only thing really new GW2 bring is the DE but rift done that to some scale too.
I feel the same way of it being 'simply slashed by GW2'. Though I feel GW2 will offer far more than Tera could ever offer in terms of greater amount of and far different content out of the box. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new in the genre. They are good for those who havent played mmorpgs much, but seem very lacking to those who played millions in the past.
Tera will still get its niche among the traditional mmorpg players for sure, but it just won't be as big as some of the other potentially huge releases such as GW2 and TSW.
See i have problem with that line, the exact same thing can be said about GW2 yet no one every says that. Seige? Done before, WvWvW? Done before and Tera getting it too, arena? Well every other mmorpg has it. So the only thing really new GW2 bring is the DE but rift done that to some scale too.
Ok. I am sorry. Let me rephrase that. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new that will change the way mmorpgs are played. Yes, WvWvW has been done DAoC many years ago which many agree, was one of the best pvp experience. GW2 takes that idea and adds to it even more to make it so much more and nothing like in any other mmorpg in recent memory. Go check out the vids or read the blog about it and you will see what I mean. If you don't, then you are simply being ignorant about it or it is just not your cup of tea which is fine.
Really? Tera is getting it too? You sure its as varied, large and complex as the WvWvW in GW2? Are you sure it is actually 3 severs going up against each other?
As for arena, ya on the surface it looks pretty much like any other arena mmorpg have. When you however take into account that mana does not exist and you have the ability to dodge, cast spells/skills on the move, heal any time or revive your allies regardless of your profession along with other little nuisances, you will clearly see that the pvp in arenas just feel so much intense and different to other mmos out there. Again, go watch the vids and tell me that is not the case.
Now for DE. Yes, this has been done in Rift. The key words here like you say "to some scale". GW2 takes the Rift's system and just expands on it in every way possible. No 1 difference is that DE of GW2 have such a huge variety to them. Not just spawn rifts in random places and mobs come out to wreck havok. The DE of GW2 actually encourage you to go out explore the world to see what is new. In Rift, quests still exist. GW2 pve in the open world runs solely on DEs. I keep using this vid as example but it just illustrates perfectly how it will all play out. You don't need to party up nor do you need to land that killing blow to get the loot. Everyone gets an amount of exp, loot and karma based on their participation in the event. Not only that but the success or failure of an event, will lead to another event to take place and will make persistant changes in the world not to mention there are 1500 DE and these can overlap with other events taking place in the world making the world always feel alive and interesting. The real key thing to note here is that the DEs of GW2 change the mindset of players and how they go about playing the game. No longer are you competing against others for the kills and the loot. No longer do you need to party with others to play cooperatively with others. Most of all, no longer are you going to curse when you see a person come and start killing the mobs you are killing but instead you welcome the person with open arms and enjoy playing together.
GW2 may not have revolutionary features, but it certainly revolutionizes the way and the mindset with which the people play this mmorpg. THIS is the essence of what I am trying to say.
Another very important thing is, since all the content of the game is pretty much opened to you right from the start, you don't need to rush to reach the level cap to experience endgame content (usually in the form of raids of other mmorpgs out there). Again, this attempts to break player's mentality of "I gotta reach lvl 80 quick to start raiding with the guild!!" or "What is the optimal way to level here?!! I gotta look up leveling guides!" Sure, there will be players that will still do that. However, that will be playing the game WRONG. Leveling does not matter as much as in other mmorpgs as you get scaled based on where you happen to be in the game. With all these systems in place, it ensures that most people will actually enjoy playing all of what the game has to offer where the completion of DEs is the best way to progress (unless you want to progress solely in WvWvW instead) through the game and eliminates the whole "lets grind at mobs to reach next level" mentality. It also ensures that anyone can play structured pvp, WvWvW or pve right from the start.
I am pretty much an mmorpg veteran who played tons of mmos in the past (just go look up my game history). I am so sick to death by the same mmorpg game mechanics applied over and over that I can tell you for certain that I would overlook Tera's combat completely and quit the game within 30 minutes of gameplay time just because I see question marks on npcs. To me combat and pretty graphics are nothing for long-term gaming. I am mostly a pve player so I couldn't care less about pvp if pve doesn't hold up for me.
Back to my initial statement. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new that will change the way mmorpgs are played.
I am pretty much an mmorpg veteran who played tons of mmos in the past (just go look up my game history). I am so sick to death by the same mmorpg game mechanics applied over and over that I can tell you for certain that I would overlook Tera's combat completely and quit the game within 30 minutes of gameplay time just because I see question marks on npcs. To me combat and pretty graphics are nothing for long-term gaming. I am mostly a pve player so I couldn't care less about pvp if pve doesn't hold up for me.
[mod edit]
As for the server vs server in TERA I am not sure how it will work because they have confirmed nothing, all they have said is that it will be faught in a multi-server region called Agaia where people will battle for dream shards and the dream shards will be used for gear and other things. Also depending on how good a server is the higher in the ranks it will be and it will be placed against servers of a similar skill level.
Really I don't know much on that and it is all speculation, TERA will also be doing monster invasions which take 20 men to stop, this is releasing on March 7th and ill get back to you when It comes out and I get informations on it.
I am pretty much an mmorpg veteran who played tons of mmos in the past (just go look up my game history). I am so sick to death by the same mmorpg game mechanics applied over and over that I can tell you for certain that I would overlook Tera's combat completely and quit the game within 30 minutes of gameplay time just because I see question marks on npcs. To me combat and pretty graphics are nothing for long-term gaming. I am mostly a pve player so I couldn't care less about pvp if pve doesn't hold up for me.
If you're interested in PvE what does GW2 bring for you? As far as PvE I have heard GW2 is quite sub-par, sure it's got dynamic events but it doesn't mean the PvE itself is fun or challenging and from what I heard there is no gear to stride for and nothing to do at 80.
i'd say the dynamic questing system is probably the biggest sell for the game and the open world bosses PVE wise.. but I do agree overall GW2 is going to be big on PVP endgame.. which is fine by me I pretty much only PVP at endgame
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
GW2 PVE is awesome. Tons of massive open world bosses. Tons of dynamic events which are much better than quests. Tons of exploration. Rare mobs, lots of dungeons. Dungeons have story modes and 3 explorable modes which are all different. Dungeons also have dynamic events so they won't be the same every time you go in.
Can't get much better than that.
forgot about the differn't dungeon setup thing.. yea GW2 pve does look like it's shaping up to be a ton of fun
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Ok. I am sorry. Let me rephrase that. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new that will change the way mmorpgs are played. Yes, WvWvW has been done DAoC many years ago which many agree, was one of the best pvp experience. GW2 takes that idea and adds to it even more to make it so much more and nothing like in any other mmorpg in recent memory. Go check out the vids or read the blog about it and you will see what I mean. If you don't, then you are simply being ignorant about it or it is just not your cup of tea which is fine.
Really? Tera is getting it too? You sure its as varied, large and complex as the WvWvW in GW2? Are you sure it is actually 3 severs going up against each other?
4 server going against each other over a island (Agaia) for dream shards. Also i think at certain points you invade in to other server as well.
As for arena, ya on the surface it looks pretty much like any other arena mmorpg have. When you however take into account that mana does not exist and you have the ability to dodge, cast spells/skills on the move, heal any time or revive your allies regardless of your profession along with other little nuisances, you will clearly see that the pvp in arenas just feel so much intense and different to other mmos out there. Again, go watch the vids and tell me that is not the case.
That sound more like an fps to me. Idk the lack of role is never really my thing.
Now for DE. Yes, this has been done in Rift. The key words here like you say "to some scale". GW2 takes the Rift's system and just expands on it in every way possible. No 1 difference is that DE of GW2 have such a huge variety to them. Not just spawn rifts in random places and mobs come out to wreck havok. The DE of GW2 actually encourage you to go out explore the world to see what is new. In Rift, quests still exist. GW2 pve in the open world runs solely on DEs. I keep using this vid as example but it just illustrates perfectly how it will all play out. You don't need to party up nor do you need to land that killing blow to get the loot. Everyone gets an amount of exp, loot and karma based on their participation in the event. Not only that but the success or failure of an event, will lead to another event to take place and will make persistant changes in the world not to mention there are 1500 DE and these can overlap with other events taking place in the world making the world always feel alive and interesting. The real key thing to note here is that the DEs of GW2 change the mindset of players and how they go about playing the game. No longer are you competing against others for the kills and the loot. No longer do you need to party with others to play cooperatively with others. Most of all, no longer are you going to curse when you see a person come and start killing the mobs you are killing but instead you welcome the person with open arms and enjoy playing together.
GW2 may not have revolutionary features, but it certainly revolutionizes the way and the mindset with which the people play this mmorpg. THIS is the essence of what I am trying to say.
Tera does the same with combat, many tried it but none has gotten it as far as they did. Also for me I'm never big on these things and i know there people out there like us. For some of us combat>DE for otheres its not. I don't see it as changing my mind set that much, could just be me but i enjoy player with people to begain with why i play mmorpg. I party people for quest and all that. For me DE feel like it might be a pain during low server hours.
Another very important thing is, since all the content of the game is pretty much opened to you right from the start, you don't need to rush to reach the level cap to experience endgame content (usually in the form of raids of other mmorpgs out there). Again, this attempts to break player's mentality of "I gotta reach lvl 80 quick to start raiding with the guild!!" or "What is the optimal way to level here?!! I gotta look up leveling guides!" Sure, there will be players that will still do that. However, that will be playing the game WRONG. Leveling does not matter as much as in other mmorpgs as you get scaled based on where you happen to be in the game. With all these systems in place, it ensures that most people will actually enjoy playing all of what the game has to offer where the completion of DEs is the best way to progress (unless you want to progress solely in WvWvW instead) through the game and eliminates the whole "lets grind at mobs to reach next level" mentality. It also ensures that anyone can play structured pvp, WvWvW or pve right from the start.
That makes me wonder why lvl even exist? If everything is there at lvl one whats the point of lvl? or DE? I like progression, if anyone who spend 3hrs be in the same place as some one who spend 30, there isn't much point to play this game a lot.
I am pretty much an mmorpg veteran who played tons of mmos in the past (just go look up my game history). I am so sick to death by the same mmorpg game mechanics applied over and over that I can tell you for certain that I would overlook Tera's combat completely and quit the game within 30 minutes of gameplay time just because I see question marks on npcs. To me combat and pretty graphics are nothing for long-term gaming. I am mostly a pve player so I couldn't care less about pvp if pve doesn't hold up for me.
there is only so many ways you can change and polish mmorpg w/o changing the genre completely. And if you think this way i won't hold my breath on GW2 because once the rush is over you find lot of stuff is going to feel its lot of the same stuff. DE? After while you done them all and there isn't going to be much different beside kill this and invade that. Changing dungeons? Seem cool but int he end its like vindictus they just have pre-saved map in the end everyone knows all of them inside out. Long term PvE in any game is progression, if your not working toward something PvE is pretty damn pointless. Story only goes so far.
Back to my initial statement. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new that will change the way mmorpgs are played.
If you don't think combat is going ot change way mmoprg are played i don't think DE will change way mmorpg are played either. Mean to an end.
Your troll post doesn't help anyone -.- do some research before posting.
i have every class at least 10+ which is why I have no 20+.. my question is besides BAMs and the one dungeon what else is there to do post 20 that makes the game so great? i haven't seen anything that shows much going for it.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
The only real problem I have with this game is the lack of class custimization. I haven't read much about the different classes but it doesn't seem like there is much variety between each individual class. For example: every mystic is the same.
I understand this would probably be easier to balance pvp, but I like a little variety.
You've got the crystal and glyph system, at end game youll have 12 crystals you can customize and glyphs start at level 20 and you get points to add more until max.
People reading on the boards, simply following the game, wouldn't know what the glyph system entails.
Here it is, the glyph calculator. So you can tailor your character's skills to your liking.
I like the combat in this game, unfortunately the classes just arent really boosting my interest. Each to their own though. The game is certainly beautiful, I am just not getting the same excitement about it that I have regarding Vanguard or GW2 with the classes.
What's the release dates for both games? I thought TERA was going to launch "soon" but GW2 seems a bit later release or nay? All we know GW2 might get pushed back once or twice if they discover something unexpected and critical at the bigger betas.
Then again, what's keeping you from playing even if GW2 is released one or two months later, it's not a waste of money if you're enjoying your self that time right?
I'll bet that this will be a blib on the raidar. With TOR still pretty new and GW2 coming right after it I don't see this game making a huge splash.
Most people have not been staying with TOR lol...I think that's been pretty evident. GW2 I don't expect to release any earlier than 2-3 months after TERA, even rifts population is increasing atm.
- TOR EU/NA server statuses...
If you say that then you've never had EQ2 running on max settings. Even the armor detail is mindblowing. So I'm with the guy you responded to. I've played RIFT and EQ2 both and RIFT fails in the graphics department for my taste. Graphics and art design are somewhat a matter of taste and preference, however, so I'll give you that. Oh...and RIFT does landscapes better than living beings in the world....just my opinion. I hated the animation for characters. (Not that EQ2 character animation is better, it's not, but the armor detail and fine details in the environment....moving grasses and flowers....and spell animations are all better than RIFT imo.)
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Rift has the best graphics out there in an MMO, EQ2 doesn't even compare to it. It's funny how so many rift haters have never even played the game and their ignorance shows. The shadows are amazing, especially in the one gorge zone.
Whatever your artstyle preferences, technically RIFT is no slouch in the graphics department. Certainly in the top 10 I would say.
I've played RIFT and I disagree with you. So sue me.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Art style preferences are a funny thing....they are as varied as the people that hold them. Saying RIFT is in the top 10....I might agree with that. Saying it's number 1 absolutely.....not to me. But whatever.
ON Topic:
I have been curious about TERA, but I have also struggled with the feeling it might be grindy. When it's released, if it's not a grindfest, I will probably buy it like I do most other MMOs. I wouldn't want to miss anything that might be good.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
RIFT and TOR are losing/gaining subs at a faily consistant rate.
To say TOR is dying and RIFT is growing based on their respective sites is a bit disingenious.
From what I have seen beta wise I see little reason to drop either game for TERA full time if you're already enjoying RIFT or SWTOR.
Not a matter of disagreeance. It's simple fact that Rift has better graphics XD It'd be like comparing Age of Conan to world of warcraft.
Still playing beta, and still not really impressed with the game.
First, the combat. I really don't see how it's exciting. Granted, it's not your standard tab-target affair, but that still doesn't make it a good combat system. It still doesn't feel fluid or fun to me. And I feel no accomplishment whatsoever on constantly successfuly dodging or blocking a mob. And without much context to speak of, it all starts to feel too repetitive after a while.
Visuals overall look good, but personally I'm not digging the models and the animation. As for environment, though pretty, in part it feels a bit too sterile, a bit too plastic-y for me, and is really lacking in ground foliage (something SWTOR, of all games, got right). Though I must say I've seen some really beautiful zones / hubs.
On Rift vs EQ2: I'm playing both at the moment, and frankly in EQ2 environments look really weak. I don't even see how it's subjective. Yes, the armour texture is fine, but the landscape is so lacking in detail that it feels like cardboard in most places. I wouldn't say Rift has the best graphics either (the models' faces look awful and again a bit too bland in some environments), but it's as if there's a whole generation between them, like AO and SWG.
so glyphs don't actually give any abilities that just boost current ones? ugh this is one of the things I hated about TOR the most so few actual abilities in the trees you got only like 1 or 2 and the rest was increase 5% this and that.. looks like here you don't get any actual abilities...
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
I feel the same way of it being 'simply slashed by GW2'. Though I feel GW2 will offer far more than Tera could ever offer in terms of greater amount of and far different content out of the box. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new in the genre. They are good for those who havent played mmorpgs much, but seem very lacking to those who played millions in the past.
Tera will still get its niche among the traditional mmorpg players for sure, but it just won't be as big as some of the other potentially huge releases such as GW2 and TSW.
Looking forward to EQL and EQN.
See i have problem with that line, the exact same thing can be said about GW2 yet no one every says that. Seige? Done before, WvWvW? Done before and Tera getting it too, arena? Well every other mmorpg has it. So the only thing really new GW2 bring is the DE but rift done that to some scale too.
Ok. I am sorry. Let me rephrase that. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new that will change the way mmorpgs are played. Yes, WvWvW has been done DAoC many years ago which many agree, was one of the best pvp experience. GW2 takes that idea and adds to it even more to make it so much more and nothing like in any other mmorpg in recent memory. Go check out the vids or read the blog about it and you will see what I mean. If you don't, then you are simply being ignorant about it or it is just not your cup of tea which is fine.
Really? Tera is getting it too? You sure its as varied, large and complex as the WvWvW in GW2? Are you sure it is actually 3 severs going up against each other?
As for arena, ya on the surface it looks pretty much like any other arena mmorpg have. When you however take into account that mana does not exist and you have the ability to dodge, cast spells/skills on the move, heal any time or revive your allies regardless of your profession along with other little nuisances, you will clearly see that the pvp in arenas just feel so much intense and different to other mmos out there. Again, go watch the vids and tell me that is not the case.
Now for DE. Yes, this has been done in Rift. The key words here like you say "to some scale". GW2 takes the Rift's system and just expands on it in every way possible. No 1 difference is that DE of GW2 have such a huge variety to them. Not just spawn rifts in random places and mobs come out to wreck havok. The DE of GW2 actually encourage you to go out explore the world to see what is new. In Rift, quests still exist. GW2 pve in the open world runs solely on DEs. I keep using this vid as example but it just illustrates perfectly how it will all play out. You don't need to party up nor do you need to land that killing blow to get the loot. Everyone gets an amount of exp, loot and karma based on their participation in the event. Not only that but the success or failure of an event, will lead to another event to take place and will make persistant changes in the world not to mention there are 1500 DE and these can overlap with other events taking place in the world making the world always feel alive and interesting. The real key thing to note here is that the DEs of GW2 change the mindset of players and how they go about playing the game. No longer are you competing against others for the kills and the loot. No longer do you need to party with others to play cooperatively with others. Most of all, no longer are you going to curse when you see a person come and start killing the mobs you are killing but instead you welcome the person with open arms and enjoy playing together.
GW2 may not have revolutionary features, but it certainly revolutionizes the way and the mindset with which the people play this mmorpg. THIS is the essence of what I am trying to say.
Another very important thing is, since all the content of the game is pretty much opened to you right from the start, you don't need to rush to reach the level cap to experience endgame content (usually in the form of raids of other mmorpgs out there). Again, this attempts to break player's mentality of "I gotta reach lvl 80 quick to start raiding with the guild!!" or "What is the optimal way to level here?!! I gotta look up leveling guides!" Sure, there will be players that will still do that. However, that will be playing the game WRONG. Leveling does not matter as much as in other mmorpgs as you get scaled based on where you happen to be in the game. With all these systems in place, it ensures that most people will actually enjoy playing all of what the game has to offer where the completion of DEs is the best way to progress (unless you want to progress solely in WvWvW instead) through the game and eliminates the whole "lets grind at mobs to reach next level" mentality. It also ensures that anyone can play structured pvp, WvWvW or pve right from the start.
I am pretty much an mmorpg veteran who played tons of mmos in the past (just go look up my game history). I am so sick to death by the same mmorpg game mechanics applied over and over that I can tell you for certain that I would overlook Tera's combat completely and quit the game within 30 minutes of gameplay time just because I see question marks on npcs. To me combat and pretty graphics are nothing for long-term gaming. I am mostly a pve player so I couldn't care less about pvp if pve doesn't hold up for me.
Back to my initial statement. The features of Tera you mentioned there are nothing new that will change the way mmorpgs are played.
Looking forward to EQL and EQN.
[mod edit]
As for the server vs server in TERA I am not sure how it will work because they have confirmed nothing, all they have said is that it will be faught in a multi-server region called Agaia where people will battle for dream shards and the dream shards will be used for gear and other things. Also depending on how good a server is the higher in the ranks it will be and it will be placed against servers of a similar skill level.
Really I don't know much on that and it is all speculation, TERA will also be doing monster invasions which take 20 men to stop, this is releasing on March 7th and ill get back to you when It comes out and I get informations on it.
i'd say the dynamic questing system is probably the biggest sell for the game and the open world bosses PVE wise.. but I do agree overall GW2 is going to be big on PVP endgame.. which is fine by me I pretty much only PVP at endgame
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
forgot about the differn't dungeon setup thing.. yea GW2 pve does look like it's shaping up to be a ton of fun
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
If you don't think combat is going ot change way mmoprg are played i don't think DE will change way mmorpg are played either. Mean to an end.