So...why is there only 5 slots available when there are 8 classes? I only bring this up because looking at the current cash shop, I saw nothing about buying character slots. I really would like to make all 8 classes, but am I going to have to buy a second box and make a new account to do so? I really hope not. Anyone with info on this or is this one of those wait and see things? I really don't want to wait a year or more to find out though, as I like to play alts and have them all made right away.
you can buy charicter slots for 800 gems or about 10.00 us dollars
All die, so die well.
there are char slots available in the account section
You can buy character slots in the gem store.
I'm not sure of the exact price, I THINK it was 800 gems, but don't quote me. I'm sure someone here knows for sure.
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Offcourse you will be able to buy character slots.. They will be 800 gems each from what Ive heard(This can change)
Pretty sure they went with 5 since you will be able to make one of each race.
I will makes 4 characters at first that I want to PvE with and keep the 5th slot as a sPvP slot. Probably will end up buying a slot or 2 more.
Since you will not be paying a sub fee, you can put 6 dollars in a jar a month and in 5 months you can buy 3 more slots.
GW1 did the same thing. It was and may still be $10 for GW1 slot.
So its really no surprise they are doing the same with GW2.
Because there are 5 races.
Each race has a storyline (with different paths)
You can buy additional slots in the cash shop
see here 1 slot is 800 gems
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