I haven't even had a chance to play, or finish downloading for that matter (running as I type) but I wanted to know how the SMITE community is, I played HoN and LoL and both have many assholes, newcomers, and kind folk so I just wanted to see if SMITE follows suit. Anyways on top of that I wanted to know what the connections and gamespeeds were like, in LoL you can get matched up with people from australia to brazil and have shit connection all game and possibly loose, and was wondering if the system requirements were minor or major and if this type of connection bs happens a lot for those who have been playing vigorously. Thanks.
There are assholes and such in SMITE like any other game, however, I've had a much friendlier experience overall compared to LoL or HoN.
Leavers are a big problem in SMITE though, need to raise the penalties for leaving a match in progress big time. AFKing is also an issue, as about every 1/5 matches has an AFKer who just idles in the main room.
I play daily and have not had any of the connection issues you describe, everyone always seems really stable.
System Reqs are very low and the game runs excellent on most low-mid range setups.
I know you might not have ever ran into this issue but for anyone who has can you give me an idea why and how to fix it, or do I wait it out? Anyways thanks for the info.