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Lately I took advantage of the 7 day return. I couldn't tolerate it. It had been a couple years since I logged in last.
While wandering around sparked mad nostalgia, it was impossible for me to take the out-dated game seriously anymore. Everything... everything... was like Fisher Price brand from my childhood or like tinkertoys. I used to like the game ok...years ago. Now everything was silly, repetitive and stale. I made my warlock's pets talk a little, did the dungeon finder some, walked the banks of Stranglethorn and Zangarmarsh....
I played WoW tons in vanilla, especially when (after?) EQ2 broke their game in the first few months "to compete", and revisited for expacs. Now I think it's better left in the past. I remember the appeal, but I can't do it anymore. Good luck with Pandaria.
I did the same thing, except I bought the Cata xpac to run around with my son on his server. I found the leveling starting at level 1 OK. There were enough changes that it was interesting to run around and see what changed. Then I tried to run around the level 80 areas. I tried both the Mt. Hyjal and whatever the underwater areas were and I just couldn't do it. The quests weren't that different from the starter quests (in some ways the starter quests were much better) and the zones were so was like running around in a tiny room trying to do stuff. I just couldn't do it. Unless I can get past that level 80 wall, that's it. I'll never pick up another xpac for WoW, no matter how cool I think Kung Fu Pandas are.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
The only way to truly return to WoW is to start from scratch.
Hop on your max levelled toon is never a "fun" way to return :j
You'd better at least buy yourself a full set of enchanted BoAs if you are going to be taken seriously...especially in dungeons.
Yup ditto, my god they ruined the talent system!
That's a bingo!
I prefer the intricacies rather than being spoon fed.
I went back to WoW at the start of the year (just after SWTOR failed).
Last time I played was right before the sunwell patch during TBC.
Started a new character, Worgen Warrior.
It was cool seeing what Blizzard did to Azeroth but overall the game is just bland.
I go numb after awhile when i just continually stack quests in my log, all of that running to waypoints then back tracking it becomes tedious.
Dungeons never change, its always this stressful experience. Stressful tanking for newbs, healing for newbs and with everyone flashing Dps meters even that has become this epeen competitive thing players try to hang over you every run.
I got to around level 58, saw all the new Azeroth content then hit that TBC leveling wall. THankfully my brother (who had a 85) dragged me through instances to get me into the Cata 80-85 content.
The zones looked nice but it was still just as tedious... its as if the content simply felt in the way.
Sadly i quit by the time i got to level 84. My return to WoW lasted 3 months with on and off casual playing.
Shortly after my brother quit also.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
I agree! Blizzard has revamped a lot of areas, quests, and dungeons. They really are more fun now. I started fresh on a new server after taking a month break. I've been helping friends level their guild and we're already level 30ish running the revamped Scarlet Monastery.
WoW is shit, but the new talent system is not the reason why it's shit.
If you were a player of any consequence, you would know that the 'talent trees' never promoted actual build variation because there was one right path and thousands of terrible paths. You either picked up the PvP talents (and sacrificed PvE sustainability) or picked up the PvE talents (and sacrificed the PvP utility). If you did both in some weird hybrid and tried to go 'Look at me, I'm so unique!', an addon pinged you about your build and told you and your four friends that you were straight autistic - and unfortunately, that was true.
The choice was simple. "Will I spec correctly, optimizing my character's performance and making them enjoyable to play, or randomly pick talents as I drool on my keyboard, laughing HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE as I do 4 dps?"
The new system has less shiny buttons to press as you get each level, but the buttons are actually grouped with similar abilities and are now relevant. There was pretty much no reason for a raider to pick up a silence or immobilize talent barring certain encounters or gimmicks, especially over the talent that increases their critical chance by 5% or their off-hand autoattack damage by 50%. In this system, CC talents are grouped with each other so your choice of CC doesn't make you deal less damage.
There's a lot of other reasons that WoW is a terrible game, but the talent system is not one of them.