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How do you pronounce it? What if you're pronouncing it wrong? Do you care? I do. Hence this post.
According to proper English it should be Ar-kee-Age. Listen here. There are two ways of pronouncing it properly.
This is in line with words that have the same prefix such as archeology and archetype.
But this does not roll off the tongue as well as Ark-Age does.
Jake Song has stated that it is pronounced Ark-Age.
Pronouncing ArcheAge with the Arche as in 'march' is not correct.
The word Arche
"Arche (?ρχ?) is a Greek word with primary senses 'beginning', 'origin' or 'first cause' and 'power', 'sovereignty', 'domination' as extended meanings."
How does it fit in with the lore?
From what's known so far:
"In the ancient days, our ancestors used to live on a highly civilized continent, but they had to flee to East and West without a reason we know about.
In ArcheAge, you begin playing two thousand years later, and you must find the cause of that big disaster, while simultaneously quenching your curiosity, enjoying the game and exploring the world."
From what I gather this can indicate some kind of beginning. Origin Age or some such.
I'm pretty sure it's pronounced: "Sandbox Messiah"
Man, seriously, find something better to do
No offense
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
None taken! I am well aware.
Same..Ark(silent E) Age
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
i say it "Fing korean game i can not try/play because im not korean" i think that is how you say it correctly.....
honestly though, does it really matter? it could be like archer age without an R wouldnt change anything people will just shorten it to A-A like they did auto assault and every other game since 1989..
Well...I still think they're wrong but I'll's their game after all.
Do you remember on which forums the official response was posted?
That's English.
The variant of psyche (psych) is indeed pronounced as saik.
The variant not referring to psych is still pronounced as saiki. Like so: or (click the little listen icon)
That word is said in two different ways with a few different meanings. So there is indeed a "psy-kee".
But I've also just been referring to the game as "Arch", mainly because I only see it come up in passing and have never cared enough to look into it passed a video I watched a long time ago.
I personally don't think the pronunciation of the name is at all important, though.
It's Ark-Age, get over it, you wanna now why it's ark-age and nothing anything else ?
Because i say so !
There was a video interview when the Russians asked questions from XLgames, and they (Korean PR) pronounced it as Ark+Age, atm i can't find the source for discussion when they confirmed it. But you might call it differently on different languages.
You mean Hybrid Messiah.
"Ar-kee" Age sounds silly and childish.
Ark-age sounds too much like a Disney/Pixar movie about life aboard Noah's Ark.
Arch-Age sounds all emo as if it's the arch-nemesis of the age... so that makes it inherently more cool and edgy.
I may or may not be 67% kidding.
what's the probelm?
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
Okay, thanks. Now I know what to look for.
Wouldn't surprise me. I discussed this with a very well-spoken friend and he mentioned the word 'archetype' and how people pronounce it. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that many pronounce this as 'ark type' (hint, that's wrong).
Nope. I'm still talking about English. Proper English.
Well, I'll be...someone who gets it. And where is hell? NY, NY, United States...greetings
Of course this is all in the spirit of forum fun as well searching for an answer. Please don't picture me foaming at the mouth.
I thought it was more like Archangel, not archeology. Just not sure why they put the "e" in there. Or maybe more accurately, why words like Archangel don't have it.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.