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Just wondering if anyone had any advice on stat allocation for leveling a paladin.
Str/Dex/Wis or Str/Dex/Vit purely for leveling? Maxing Str and Dex and putting points in one of the other two. Should I max Str/Con and put remainder into Dex or Wis or Vit?
old site, but still a goodun:
but build your paladin how you want to build him, why be a clone and be identical to everyone else out there? no one is perfect and it can be fun to play a character that has the odd imperfection
i look this wrecked because i've got GIST.
Whats your excuse?
Leveling up: Str+Dex>Vit
Early raiding: Con>Str>Dex
Geared raiding: Con>Str+Dex
Str+Dex>Vit for leveling up. No need for con in the lower levels, especially since the amount of HP you get for every Con is level based (so just small hp bonus for lower levels).
Con is a must the moment u start tanking harder stuff (KDQ, Pota, raiding, etc). Go Con>Str>Dex from this point.
The better your gear gets, the easier it will be to reach Str cap (990). From this moment on you can somewhat neglet Str and balance out Str and Dex while maxing Con. Unlike Str and Dex, Con does not have a cap fyi.
The most typical is max Str, Dex, rest Vit.
All tanks struggle with Aggro until about level 30, though, so more Int wouldnt be a too poor choice.