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The HAVOKS is an outfit on Connery whois main focus is to provide a cooperative, collaborating, and respectful community to serve the New Conglomerate and pave the way to victory. We often have a full squad up running on weekends with members playing and forming up squads throughout the week. Also, we team up with other outfits to run tactical platoons to engage enemy forces across all areas, from ground to air.

Our squads are mostly comprised of air power, fielding Reaver squadrons to Liberator bombing wings, all equipped with tier 3/4 composite armor and armed with Daltons/Zephers with infrared and thermal optics. For communicating effectively, our members utilize our own website as a base of communications as well as our mumble server dedicated solely to our outfit.

Camaraderie, teamwork, and victory! Join the HAVOKS!
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