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disclaimer 1: This is not about the game, its in beta and im having fun playing it.
disclaimer 2: i will say that when playing an FPS with a controller I AM that guy looking at the floor or the sky 95% of the time, Shooting at everything except the target with a normal game K/D ratio that looks something like 1K:35D (and that 1 was a grenade i shot accidently by randomly pressing buttons.
nowwhen i first started playing dust i was exactly like that 2:7 1:10 and i was getting better 7:15.
then someone in eve told me dude, plug in any USB M/K it works
so i gave it a shot and the worse game ive played since has been a 7:7 most of the time my Kills are higher than deaths.
conclusion: mouse/keyboard dominates controllers.
now why i hate it
when i play my console i want to be on the couch, with a controller eating nachos and getting fat. a PS3 is not made to be used like a computer. (im probably old school, but concoles = TV COUCH CONTROLLERS AND FRIENDS)
but also i will not purposefully handicap myself by using a controller to play dust when i can get better stats by using M/K
also i dont want to compete against others using M/K while i'm using a controller.
conclusion: i have found myself not wanting to play because i would HAVE to use M/K
(1) Get wireless Keyboard & Mouse, connect them to PS3
(2) Get a piece of wood (I used to use a old bookshelf)
(3) Put KB & M on the shelf
(4) Recline on sofa, put the shelf on your lap
For additional slob-points, integrate a cup-holder into the shelf.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I think an important aspect to this game is to join a corp that suits you.
Some corps get excellent K/D ratios and win tornaments. However, they play DUST like it's a job, and they expect you to as well if you join them. (I would love to know what these people do for a living.)
Other corps are far more relaxed.
M/K support is pretty basic and didn't feel very nice compared to games developed soley for m/k.
As to your comfort issues, i personally hated playing games at a desk, i've long legs and like to stretch them!
So i've set myself up with a nice comfy leather recliner and one of these tables for my mouse. I've also the microsoft sidewiner keyboard that has a detachable numpad, which makes it perfect for a lap and my gaming puter is connected to a big screen without any latency issues at all.
Console comfort on the pc can be achieved.
I'll give this game 6 months until everyone except PC gamers have ditched it, because if you're the standard PS3 Joe with the controller you'll get absolutely demolished by the M&K players.
And once it is released on the PC no one will ever play the PS3 version, again.
I highly doubt it will release for PC.
I would be playing it more if they had not put M/K
for now ill stick with my 32M SP capsuleer :P on the PC and SP RPGs for my PS3 (or fighters, those are cool too)
I am PS3 controller user in DUST 514 and sometimes I can manage in one game K/D ratio 4 or more. I was trying to use KB/M but its feel weird.
In my case its depends from what I've played the first.
You could be right in one respect: DUST could die because M/K players may have an advantage over mainstream players who use the controller.
HOWEVER, DUST certainly has a hardcore fan base. Therefore, if DUST does die, I reckon it will be a gradual lingering death over several years as new features fail to get the financing - not a fast death at 6 months.
But my personal opinion is that DUST will do well because it's a bit different and the devs respond to player advice.
Amazingly, the devs read feedback on the forums and write back within a day if it's feedback with lots of gameplay experience and it's well thought through.