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Someone Explain

I haven't been watching Horizins as closely as others have, but I keep hearing how the old idea was so much better than the current idea.  Can someone explain the old idea vs the new idea?


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  • nalanala Member Posts: 173
    well to be honest, i wasn't in to the knowledge of this game before the blackout..but from what i have read up on, the idea long ago was very comprehensive and they were including anything and everything in the game. There were about 15 races initally, and now are 9.  I am actually excited that they decided to focus it more cause I think it will make it that much better...however, some people still want the initially promised races.  That said, AE has promised subjugated races that can be freed in game and become playable...and some of these races may be from the initial list.

  • SoultierSoultier Member Posts: 24
    yeah in the Old horizons there where also Orcs,Goblins,Demons,Angels to name a few. There was also pvp where you could even harvest organs from dragons and such. =P but they took it all out awhile ago. Bowman said there would be a pvp verison sooner or later. but really didn't go in to details if it would be a add-on or just a diffrent verison of Horizons for the pvp orientied players.

  • ChilledPenguinChilledPenguin Member Posts: 51


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