Focus is looking for more members!
Who we are:
A small group of friends that have been playing online games together for many years. We first met around the beginning of Lineage 2. Over the last 7 years we have had people come and go, our guild name has changed, but we remain friends. We are mainly PVP focused, but do enjoy the PvE of TERA. All of us are laid back adults that just want to enjoy all that TERA has to offer.
Why you should join:
Right now we are small and want to keep it small. However, we don't have enough members to fill out our parties. If you like to PvP and PvE we need you! Being active and social in-game and on Ventrilo is key to being successful. We want to build upon what we already have and create a strong core group. We hate sitting in queue just as much as everyone else. Lets get some good players together so we don't have to!
Our Goals:
- Have a solid group to PVP and run HM's with.
- Be Vanarch
- Help those not 60, reach it.
- Be a strong presence on the battlefield with the upcoming patches. (WvWvW)
- Have fun together as a team
Requirements to Join:
- Active player! You must be online at least a few times per week. Every day or every other day is perfect.
- Have or be willing to use Ventrilo. + have mic! Communication is everything!
- Above the age of 18
- Laid back personality. (We like to joke around and have a good time on vent. Don't need a negative nancy)
How to Join:
- Message any Focus member you see in-game, Apply via in-game menu, or whisper the following characters: Prolikewhoa, Hawking, and Kpa
- Visit our site:
Right now we are in need of all classes. Slayer being the least needed.