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gear score

cheeseheadscheeseheads Member UncommonPosts: 73
will this game have gear score built in like neverwinter? 


  • aionixaionix Member UncommonPosts: 288
    Ewww god I hope not.  But its a good possibility if its what they want their gear to progress as (please no).  LFG is for sure already in since its a huge convenience, so they may adopt GS too.  But personally, yuck and I hope not.
  • Sho0terMcgavinSho0terMcgavin Member UncommonPosts: 301
    Originally posted by cheeseheads
    will this game have gear score built in like neverwinter? 

    I sure hope not.

  • MachkeznhoMachkeznho Member UncommonPosts: 428

    Definition of Gear Score

    Gear Score (GS):  A numerical value assigned to a virtual character to demonstrate the players overall power from gear equipped. (Not to be confused with Player Skill(PS) as this value requires no skill.)  For further information on Gear Score(GS) please reference Terrible Game Mechanics for related Data.

  • SinakuSinaku Member UncommonPosts: 552

    Originally posted by Datastar
    Definition of Gear ScoreGear Score (GS):  A numerical value assigned to a virtual character to demonstrate the players overall power from gear equipped. (Not to be confused with Player Skill(PS) as this value requires no skill.)  For further information on Gear Score(GS) please reference Terrible Game Mechanics for related Data.

    That made me laugh. I'll probably quote this definition from now on.
    Seeing as how I feel like this may be one of the better AAA releases within the last few years I really hope that they don't dumb it down with trivial things like gear scores.

  • MachkeznhoMachkeznho Member UncommonPosts: 428
    Originally posted by Sinaku


    Originally posted by Datastar
    Definition of Gear Score


    Gear Score (GS):  A numerical value assigned to a virtual character to demonstrate the players overall power from gear equipped. (Not to be confused with Player Skill(PS) as this value requires no skill.)  For further information on Gear Score(GS) please reference Terrible Game Mechanics for related Data.


    That made me laugh. I'll probably quote this definition from now on.
    Seeing as how I feel like this may be one of the better AAA releases within the last few years I really hope that they don't dumb it down with trivial things like gear scores.

     Agreed, this title looks promising im sick of the hand-holding mmo releases the past couple years. Glad I could get a chuckle out of you :)

  • WaidenWaiden Member UncommonPosts: 500
    Raids are for hc players only, unlike in wow so i think gear might be even more important. So I would say yea.
  • WaidenWaiden Member UncommonPosts: 500
    Originally posted by Robokapp

    being afriad of gearscore is silly.


    getting kicked after first boss and being saved to the lockout is infinitely worse.


    players want to impose a certain degree of standard over their run to limit abuse and bad experiences. In a sense, this is the last semblance of community enforced policing that remains in MMOs.


    without this we're in a wasteland of 'queue for dungeon' automatic pugging where nobody says a word and provides no sense of group effort despite being a group event.


    you think gearscore is bad...try leading groups without it.


    but these posts never come from Group leaders. It's always the "I don't do crap in my group, i want them to carry me" crowd. Well guess what. We don't want to carry you. If doing two attunment 5mans was too difficult for you and had to whine until developers stopped making attunments, now you answer to the community, who will not be whined into submission so easily.


    I was there before and after gearscore, before and after attunments. And from what I've seen, it's better with than without. When the tank and healers do the entire nightbane fight and then the group can't kill Aran, something must exist to keep the ill-prepared out of content that they are not yet prepared for.


    gearscore doesn't tell me you're good or bad, but it tells me you put a few minutes into getting yourself ready for being a key player in a group. If you can't do that, the group does not want you.



    excellent post +1

  • YaevinduskYaevindusk Member RarePosts: 2,094


    I hate gearscore and DPS meters with an insane and fiery passion.  While I main healers and tanks, it has always annoyed me how things have changed in WoW for (my opinion) the worse with the increasing popularity of these addons.  Granted, it's the playerbase and how they use them, and not that the actual systems themselves are bad (and if used in a positive fashion, can probably help raid leaders).


    People as a whole no longer take classes for mechanics or skills or for people who employ utility appropriately, but rather for their maximized DPS and those player's who want to stroke their egos.  Encounters are then just made into "avoid this, do this for max damage" as opposed to people having specific jobs to do and accomplish.  Tank's aggro was increased a thousand fold because DPS don't want to hold back and lose the damage wars, utilities that could help the entire raid and increase over all team DPS are tossed aside in lieu of personal DPS for bragging rights, and in general any interesting mechanics that are released for classes are also ignored for speed kills and the before mentioned (it also doesn't help if a game institutes a rage timer, as this also contributes to the above).


    It wouldn't be out of the league of possibilities that such things have devolved World of Warcraft into what it is today.  When such things did not exist (or hold such prominence) we had the golden years of WoW.  But now everything is crafted to a fine point, and raids are made with these systems in mind as opposed to plain old utility and group tactics.


    In organized groups whereby only leaders use these systems (or are allowed to post them), people can just focus on doing their job and playing support if it helps the group more than just pure DPS.  But the whole pug system is ruined by the implementation of these things as that's all pugs (which, sadly 95% of the people play with) basically are within the game.  If the game has a dungeon finder of some sort, it may be more beneficial as a whole (or the majority) just to leave out such things, and just allow individual inspections.  It's best for an organized group not to skip processes of selection, anyhow, and extra questions could be asked to ensure they're quality players than rather an inflated score whereby they could wear gear for another spec while you check their score.  Organized groups will likely have the same people anyway once the hassle of getting a group together is finished, and one could just as simply say "we require x amount of epics" as opposed to saying "we require x gear score".  People will try to pass through anyway, so it's always good to check their gear to make sure they won't play the whole "switcharoo" on you.


    Though this is just if you are thinking of the overall health of the game and not just the convenience of the less than .10% (the recruiters) who will be working hard finding members anyway.  

    Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing).  German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century.  Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now).  I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things).  In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while.  If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.

    Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this.  If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own.  Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis.  Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
  • ipekaipeka Member Posts: 222
    Originally posted by cheeseheads
    will this game have gear score built in like neverwinter? 

    most likely yes, but raid recruiters should totally have a different mindset on their requirement checklist . This game heavily requires high degree of awareness  considering how  the combat gameplay works.
    Having 40 man raid without some sort of chance for progression rewards would be just killing the reason to have a raid , i just don't see how they can pull no better gear as  rewards. Cosmetics are nice but we are living in a real mmorpg life , players want shiny stuffs.

    Then again the raid is going to be different than WoW's tank&spank run, seeing the latest devspeak about movement  convince me . You dont just get away from red stuffs on the ground anymore ,  rolling and double jumping definitely takes a role in raiding .

  • WaidenWaiden Member UncommonPosts: 500
    Originally posted by Yaevindusk

    Though this is just if you are thinking of the overall health of the game and not just the convenience of the less than .10% (the recruiters) who will be working hard finding members anyway.  

    If i am not mistaken. Raids in Wildstar are for most hc raiders and not for everyone like in wow ;) And GS usually was not the problem for them. It was usually problem for avarage/casual players.

    + I think you didnt play pre GS wow when you say thats the reason for what wow is today. Gs was there from release, players had to do the job instead and inspect others more ... thats all

  • YaevinduskYaevindusk Member RarePosts: 2,094
    Originally posted by Dogblaster
    Originally posted by Yaevindusk

    Though this is just if you are thinking of the overall health of the game and not just the convenience of the less than .10% (the recruiters) who will be working hard finding members anyway.  

    If i am not mistaken. Raids in Wildstar are for most hc raiders and not for everyone like in wow ;)


    It remains to be seen, and I'm not against the ideas of such systems myself.  But rather how the majority of players have (will?) use(d) them.  :(


    When things are refined to a razor point (dps, for instance), things such as utility aren't much considered by the developers, the players or the content anymore (mostly when it comes to pugs).  We have today's WoW as a result, and not the "golden" years of the past simply (in part) because of all these conveniences that are being abused by the majority, and not the minority that use it for good.  It's within the realm of possibilities that they will find great ways iterate such systems so that they aren't intrusive to the game as a whole and only useful for organized raids by guild leaders / officers or some such.


    But still, with regards to the .10% of players (recruiters), I'm still if the belief that that's true when it comes to gear score itself.  Recruiters are the lifeblood, but few people are willing to actually do it (and all the work it involves) as opposed to just be recruited into those open spots.


    Granted it's obviously a made up statistic, but still somewhat resembles what I believe to be true (even some officers get lazy and don't pull their own weight at times).



    Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing).  German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century.  Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now).  I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things).  In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while.  If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.

    Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this.  If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own.  Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis.  Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
  • ego13ego13 Member Posts: 267
    Originally posted by ipeka
    Originally posted by cheeseheads
    will this game have gear score built in like neverwinter? 

    most likely yes, but raid recruiters should totally have a different mindset on their requirement checklist . This game heavily requires high degree of awareness  considering how  the combat gameplay works.
    Having 40 man raid without some sort of chance for progression rewards would be just killing the reason to have a raid , i just don't see how they can pull no better gear as  rewards. Cosmetics are nice but we are living in a real mmorpg life , players want shiny stuffs.

    Then again the raid is going to be different than WoW's tank&spank run, seeing the latest devspeak about movement  convince me . You dont just get away from red stuffs on the ground anymore ,  rolling and double jumping definitely takes a role in raiding .

    I would agree if it didn't have the "Idiot Boxes" on the ground letting you know exactly where and what the ability is going to hit.


    I can't wait for Wildstar, however, to try and glorify the amount of skill that will be required is silly.

    GW2: mobs do abilities that you have to see the subtle nuance an move out of the immediate area or sometimes the circle on the ground (hate that they added these).

    Tera: has a telegraph system but doesn't give you a CUTOUT ON THE GROUND of where to avoid it.

    Wildstar: has a telegraph system ALONG with a CUTOUT ON THE GROUND so you couldn't possibly get hit by it unless you are afk or just don't care.


    Even Neverwinter doesn't hand-hold this much. :(


    Hopefully they'll prove me wrong, and I'll be there supporting them the whole time, but this was a HUGE letdown to me.



    OP: Yes...GS will exist, in every game forever in some form.  Get used to it.  Those of us who want to continually progress, improve, and not waste our time filling groups only to kick people for not knowing basic mechanics will always use it.  I have NEVER seen a good player complain about GS, only those that *think* they're better than they are, wish they were, or aren't happy that they can't see all of the game because they are entitled to see it since they're a paying customer.

    Just because every car has similar features doesn't mean that Ferraris are copies of Model Ts. Progress requires failure and refining.


  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    Gear score is a horrible way to label players and turn them into numbers. All it does is let the players in full purples be dicks to people in full blues.

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  • ipekaipeka Member Posts: 222
    Originally posted by Cirin
    Originally posted by ipeka
    Originally posted by cheeseheads
    will this game have gear score built in like neverwinter? 

    most likely yes, but raid recruiters should totally have a different mindset on their requirement checklist . This game heavily requires high degree of awareness  considering how  the combat gameplay works.
    Having 40 man raid without some sort of chance for progression rewards would be just killing the reason to have a raid , i just don't see how they can pull no better gear as  rewards. Cosmetics are nice but we are living in a real mmorpg life , players want shiny stuffs.

    Then again the raid is going to be different than WoW's tank&spank run, seeing the latest devspeak about movement  convince me . You dont just get away from red stuffs on the ground anymore ,  rolling and double jumping definitely takes a role in raiding .

    I would agree if it didn't have the "Idiot Boxes" on the ground letting you know exactly where and what the ability is going to hit.


    I can't wait for Wildstar, however, to try and glorify the amount of skill that will be required is silly.

    GW2: mobs do abilities that you have to see the subtle nuance an move out of the immediate area or sometimes the circle on the ground (hate that they added these).

    Tera: has a telegraph system but doesn't give you a CUTOUT ON THE GROUND of where to avoid it.

    Wildstar: has a telegraph system ALONG with a CUTOUT ON THE GROUND so you couldn't possibly get hit by it unless you are afk or just don't care.


    If i would to be asked to speculate , The first thing on my mind would be on deadmine heroic in WoW. If i remember correctly  that instance has this laser obstacle run , where you need to avoid rotating laser wheel as you run towards the end of a corridor.  So to sum it up, Imagine playing wow (term of graphic and movement fluidness) + mechanics  from deadmines but our combat system is a bit more like gw2 , where you need to be more active in clicking that 5 or 6 skills buttons.

    trust me we need that damn cutouts from the ground, it takes years and years of learning for an mmorpg players to learn that red stuffs on the ground means bad news.  pro or noob, we are that dumb.

  • XarkoXarko Member EpicPosts: 1,180
    I like GS , it should be part of every themepark mmo imo.. saves a LOT of time and possible unnecessary wipes.
  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207

    This is a feature of wow? A built in thing that let's you check up on how much people have grinded their gear? Really?
  • MachkeznhoMachkeznho Member UncommonPosts: 428
    In my personal experience running raids in WoW I found that usually the people with the highest gear score performed worse than those with average gear.  Seems to me like the higher the Gear Score, the less they liked to move out of the crap on the ground and the worse the attitudes were.  Skill>Gear
  • RoxtarrRoxtarr Member CommonPosts: 1,122
    So-called gear score doesn't say anything about how useful the armor is to a player's spec or role. The CBC system will guarantee that thousands of players will have leet gear and have no clue why they aren't getting the results they want. Get your microchips right, and you'll be much better off. Gear score typically only offers up the 'budget' for the item's stats and not how useful they are to the player. Since in WildStar, items will typically have 'random' microchips, just having the gear isn't enough - you have to set it up w/ the right chips.

    If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Gear score strikes me as a bunch of alcoholics showing each other a list of what they drank last week.
  • FusionFusion Member UncommonPosts: 1,398

    Well, considering it has big red things on the ground to alert you like you was an imbecile that bad things are coming, the game will be more about player reaction time / skill, than about gear, so it's safe to assume gear-score won't be ingame.

    "link achievements" etc. only furthers segregation and elitism, i sure hope they steer clear of these kinds of elitist-jerk mechanics.

    Rarely anyone does PUG's this day and age anyhow, i know i don't just because. - now totally F2P no cash-shops or micro transactions at all.
  • GeminivGeminiv Member UncommonPosts: 15
    personally i would proffer an achievement system proving you can do these dungeons and you have got Skill to play the game and know how to use the games mechanics to overcome the challenges, rather then i got 8000 i can go because i managed to ninja loot that item and sell it to buy this item, but Dave who earned his way to only a gear score of 7999 can't go because he is too low is just a broken system in my eyes. Gear scores do not mean much to me and can be a bit buggy playing neverwinter myself and put on a level 60 purple ring my GS went down from the blue one i had (my brain melted a little here) also i tallied up all the scores an it was even a higher number but the gear score was still lower. Besides that gear score is subject to change, say build v1.0 armor penetration ain't worth jack but come v1.1 everyone even healers want armor penetration but it used to give you minus in gear score before. Lastly as people have said having higher gear score seems to encourage laziness when it comes to using the mechanics of the game, sitting in a AoE here an not dodging out the way there.
  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403

    The Naked Toon League, a guild that runs instances naked, with white (at best) weaponry.

    It'd be a fun experiment. Just how gear-dependent is your chosen mmo title?

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • ego13ego13 Member Posts: 267

    You can easily tell the people that are here just to "fight on their side" just because and those that are just mediocre players that don't like being segregated.  Both sides don't like GS for basically the same reason, but one group doesn't or hasn't played Neverwinter at all.


    In NW it is SIMPLE to hit 60 and buy a couple pieces of gear off the AH, using Astral Diamonds that you can easily get just from daily invocation, that brings you to at least the minimum requirements for Cloak Tower Epic.


    After that it's not a matter of luck, or ninjaing, or anything of the sort.  You will get enough gear for the next ones soon enough.  OR you'll earn enough Astral Diamonds to buy some more pieces off the AH, either way you'll still progress.


    It's a different system than has been done before and while their GS isn't perfect, it works.


    Again, if you don't like or care about GS, don't use it to segregate.  The beauty of it is that the people that are using it, you'll know and you won't have to group with them.  It does a great job of keeping the people that don't want to waste their time(GS embracers) away from those that don't mind wasting their time failing (GS haters).

    Just because every car has similar features doesn't mean that Ferraris are copies of Model Ts. Progress requires failure and refining.


  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    I've beverages seen this gearscore nonsense before.

    But then I mostly stick to pvp orientated games to avoid all the "l33tzors"
  • centkincentkin Member RarePosts: 1,527

    What I dislike is the lack of customization.  When you get to a tier 2 equipment vs tier 3 vs tier 4 you get stuck using EXACTLY what the devs want you to use and you can't have any individuality at all.  Usually until you hit raid gear you can focus your equipment where you want it.  If you want a huge block value, you can get it.  If you prefer high hit points, or to be a tank who can do some damage you are allowed to tinker your gear to achieve what you want.  Once you hit the tiered equipment levels then (like in say rift) you end up sacrificing it all for toughness and your block drops with every piece of new equipment you get.  It doesnt get better until much later.  Plus equipment systems like this can force you into different playstyles -- IE tier 4 might have a block focus but tier 5 is all about the hit points and tier 6 has better resistances but is really lousy in parties compared to tier 5. 

    I remember back to Everquest 1 where the raids were not structured in quite that way (yes you had a certain order to some things but sometimes the best piece of raid equipment especially if you catered to a style was not from the most recent raid, and some equipment was far far rarer than others).

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