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The Aurora World -
There has not been much exposure for this game and I personally feel it is a little gem. Many people scoff at pay to play asian games but there is so much this game has to offer.
-Extensive pet (Majinn) system. You can have multiple pets and choose their skills and upgrade them in many ways. The pets vary in abilities and bonuses to compliment your own play style and class.
-Nation wars: This will be implemented hopefully soon in the NA version. There are 3 different nations that all fight against each other.
-Clan wars: These are really fun. It is an instanced area where you have to protect and assault towers. You can also fly over and drop in for assaults as well as bombing runs.
-Server events: Kunlun - A pvp and pve oriented event where you start off fighting monsters then fight other nations. Invasions - nations need to help each other stop an onslaught of creatures coming.
-Clan events - Clans have special quests that can only be done if you are in a clan.
That's just a small portion of what the game has to offer. The game can easily be played successfully without paying a dime if you are smart about how to spend your money and where to make it.
Razzyx - Eosian - 59 Apothecary
More and more people will be scoffing less at Asian games, there are some good games coming which are very western in they features and looks.
Savage Horizon
Black Desert
ChangYou's Project S
Anyone who scoffs at Asian games now is really going to miss out on some good up and coming western type Asian MMO's.
Did you get paid for writing that? I mean seriously, it looks like any other genereic Korean grindfest with nothing new to add.
When the trailer only highlights things like "8 professions" and "Daily events", then you know you have a WoW killer...... not.
Aurora World felt like a pointless game. It has the typical Chinese autopath/autocombat systems in place that allow your character to move from each quest objective automatically with no player input. You just go through linear quests with minimum or no player input as the pathfinding is done for you and the combat is controlled by a bot. HP Potions are automatically used when your health drops as well. Really, there's absolutely no player skill involved and you're just mindlessly advancing through broken English quests for no reason.
I thought the graphics and music were pretty good when compared to similar games, but the animations are horrible.