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A little warning for those 1.0/legacy players

KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030

For those of us who played 1.0 or are legacy members and have character data from prior to ARR, I thought I would throw this out there as a PSA because of my experience.

In ARR you must complete up to your level 10 class specific quests in order to join another guild (see: play another class/go through their story/receive the skills from these quests).  When you start up (if you're brand new to ARR) you are prompted to select your character, and then your class.  When you do this, SELECT YOUR MAIN CLASS/JOB.

Edit: This will ensure that you are able to get the skills that come from your class questline and thus have all of your available skills!

When I went to play ARR for the first time I thought to myself  "well, im already capped on archer....and i did want to fool around with conjurer some anyway..."  And so I picked CNJ.  Luckily, this still meant starting in Gridania (where my main class' guild is located).  However, what this also meant that was in order to go through any other class' aforementioned content...I had to progress through at least the level 10 content on CONJ in order to go do the quests for Archer.  

For some people this will be no big deal.  Simply go do those quests and you're golden.  For me it was a minor annoyance that was born of my ignorance of the way they have changed progression/classes.

Again, just a PSA from someone who's been there, done that.  Happy adventuring come beta4 :)

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