I did all that, doesn't work. The point I am stuck at is after you download the ~100MB launcher/patcher, that's where it gets stuck. Trying to download and update the entire client.
I'm having the same issue since this morning, is updating until certain amount and then crash, and any amount already downloaded goes to limbo, meaning I have to restart from 0. is Already evening over here, my connection sucks and I keep trying and getting same error, I can't update my client and can't find any solution in the forums yet, so any help will be appreciated!
Originally posted by JKGL Common issue fix is to run the program in administrator-mode, by clicking right-click on the program on your desktop or FFXIV launcher(.exe)
Doing that, lets see how far I can get... Thanks
Edit: It worked! Thanks very much See you all in Eorzea
Apparently this is due to a directory of Final Fantasy XIV with read-only.
According to this source: http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1kv5ky/
Doing that, lets see how far I can get... Thanks
Edit: It worked! Thanks very much See you all in Eorzea