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"Tune in today at 4PM PST on Twitch for an all-new livecast as we discuss the Landmark Community Celebration on January 31 and delve into the details of CLAIMS. How big are they? How do they work? And more."
Yeah that's not going to happen, I like text. Can someone explain what they are talking about? The word claims stirs up anxiety in me, are pay2alpha'ers getting a chance to grab land before others?
Jumping to conclusions isn't wise. makes one look stupid.
People that pay to get into alpha have no advantage over anyone else. When alpha is over, all claims get wiped.
There you go
I should know better and just ignore stupid posts like this, but really? Asking a question is now jumping to a conclusion? When did the rules of language change?
Then you should have left out
Money grab of some sort?
You could have just asked "What is a claim?"
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
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To throw a bone to the OP - I understand where you anxiety comes from. What if the available area of land is limited? Maybe all the prime real-estate will be claimed before everyone gets a chance to play.
Instinctually, a smart investor would look at this offer with caution and doubt. Will I have to pre-order to get early access in order to be first in line? As an earlier post mentioned, making an analogy between groceries and money grabs. The difference being, supply. The developers could purposefully lower the supply to create a high demand to drive prices up.
Simple economics.
Though, I will say - EQN:L is probably going to be completely instanced, so it won't matter at all.
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You're late to the party, there was a looooong thread on that theory and the guy who endorsed it gave up. Not gonna be instanced.
I tossed it on the pile with p2w. All it really seems to mean is that costs money.
And you are right.
Claims are instanced. That's already known. You can search only only see the precious builds that you want to through a tag system. It's also how they will hide objectionable material.
but it's not a dimension like Rift. It's in the open world. It just can be invisible to you, if you don't want to see that type of build. Or if it's something like a penis tower.
Claims are not instanced. So much ignorance in this thread, really sad.
Are you sure you know what an "instance" is?
Everyone will be able to see what everyone else is building in the world, there may be an option to hide your claim from others though, and things deemed inappropriate will be hidden by the mods.
This is not instanced.
Claims are 70m x 70m x 100m tall and currently about 1mile deep. You can stake out multiple claims if you like but you still have to pay an upkeep fee every x amount of time. You can place claims adjacent to your existing claim but someone else cannot do so. You cannot build over or under a neighboring claim. The size of claims are currently in flux and may change in size before open beta.
Land will never be an issue. If a land mass becomes to full then they will create a new server for people to build in.
People will be able to travel to different servers to farm materials, adventure in or just to view other people's creations.
You can purchase templates on one server and then bring them back to your server to use.
You can sell your templates to other players for in game coin or put them up for sale for real money on the player station site.
On the Alpha wipe you will loose everything except any Templates you have created.
When closed Beta ends you will loose everything except all you Templates and harvested crafting materials.
When open Beta starts every thing will be locked in. Not sure of a character wipe but you do keep all your templates and materials.
This game has a ton to offer people who love crafting.
They're also going to have different land masses and they can add more like servers as needed. It's not going to be instanced at all. Open world building is pretty much the whole point of the game. There will be upkeep costs though which scale based on how many claims you have. So you can't be inactive and just hold all the prime spots forever.
Yeap.. but the conclusion is nevertheless correct.
Are all claims gone, or very limited on one server? Open up a new one. Hell.. you can even travel from server to server. And virtual land is virtually unlimited, especially prodecural generated, which means the devs don't have to do anything.
Sidenote: This will be different for EQN, because every area will be reworked, and therefore land will not be unlimited.